Here’s today’s Wordle #349 answer plus a helpful hint.
It’s Friday at last! TWIF! Thank Wombat It’s Friday!
We’re in the final stretch of the first week of June, with the first weekend of June fast approaching. Where I live, the First Friday of every month is a big deal, especially in summertime. There’s an art-walk and lots of businesses will have complimentary beverages and other fun treats. You’ll probably encounter some street stalls, panhandlers, and plenty of boozy revelers wandering the streets.
This weekend we also have our first music festival of the summer which is exciting. It’s been an exciting week already, but there’s lots more to look forward to (including my daughter’s fifteenth birthday).
I hope you have some exciting things to look forward to as well this weekend, dearest Wordlers. Which reminds me, this is a Wordle guide! Let’s take a look at today’s word of the day, shall we?
How Wordle Works
Wordle is a game that’s simple to learn and play.
When you guess a word, letters that are correct will show up in green boxes if they’re in the right spot and yellow boxes if they’re in the wrong spot. Incorrect letters are greyed out in the alphabet below. By guessing and rearranging letters, you can puzzle out the correct answer. Below are some links to help you with your Wordling.
Today’s Wordle Answer & Hint
Spoiler warning! The hint and the answer for today’s Wordle #349 lay in wait ahead!
The hint:
Wordle 349 answer
So that wasn’t too hard!
My first guess really helped out this time around. ‘Caper’ narrowed down my choices to just 14, but then ‘petal’ sealed the deal leaving just one guess left.
A guess I got right with ‘phase’ for the win. Wordle Bot was very proud.
Have a great Friday, folks!