Here’s today’s Wordle #314 solution plus a helpful hint.
It’s Friday at long last! TGIF and all that jazz. This week has dragged a bit for some reason. Usually time seems to fly by at dizzying speeds. This week, though, has proceeded at a crawl. (Not a bad starting word, actually. Maybe I’ll go with crawl tomorrow).
Sometimes when I write these Wordle guides I get a bit of déjà vu. I’m like Phil from Groundhog Day. “Well it’s Groundhog Day. Again.”
I’m not complaining, mind you. I love doing my daily Wordle and coming here to help with hints and musings. But there are times when simply speaking the name of the day each week makes me realize quite pointedly the passage of time. I am one week older than I was when I wrote my Wordle guide last Friday. I’ll be a week older still when I’m thanking God for Friday on Wordle #321.
Such is life. So it goes. All we are is dust in the wind.
But I’ve rambled long enough. Let’s get to today’s Wordle.
Today’s Wordle #314 Answer & Hint
Be warned, weary travelers. The path ahead is fraught with peril. Dangers loom in every shadow. Be warned, I say! Spoilers lay in ambush ahead!
But first, a hint:
Like ‘dog water’ this insult is hurled often at players of Call Of Duty.
And the answer is . . . .
Wordle #314 answer
This isn’t the toughest word on the Wordle answer list, no doubt, though there are lots of different potential words it could be with the final three letters, like crash or stash or flash for instance. I could see that causing folk some trouble.
I was lucky to get three correct letters (and one in green) on my first guess. Wordle Bot called it a “great opening word” and said that, on average, it gets you down to just 114 possible remaining solutions. But for me, it looks like it narrowed it down to just 11.
Wordle Bot informs me that rebel is a better second guess than blast but guess what? I narrowed it down to just two possible solutions with this guess, so I’m not sure rebel would have actually helped that much. Stupid Wordle Bot.
My next guess was “both a lucky and a smart guess” according to the snooty punk robot—who never backs down from a backhanded compliment. Actually, I wouldn’t be surprised if Wordle Bot started calling players who screw up “trash! trash! you’re dog water! trash!”
This is why I mute people in multiplayer games. Sigh.
Have a fantastic Friday, dearest Wordlers! TGIF!
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