Apple supplier Foxconn on Thursday issued an apology for chaos at its Zhengzhou plant—the world’s largest iPhone factory—and offered ¥10,000 ($1,400) compensation to any disgruntled workers who decide to leave the plant, a day after violent clashes broke out between factory workers and security personnel over delayed payments and poor living conditions caused by China’s zero-Covid policy.
iPhone Manufacturer Foxconn has apologized after violence broke out at its largest factory in China … [+]
Key Facts
According to Reuters, Foxconn blamed the chaos on a “technical error” in its hiring process for new workers which triggered concerns among workers that they would not receive a bonus payment promised to them at the time of recruitment.
Foxconn did not elaborate on the nature of the error but pushed back against reports of a Covid-19 outbreak in its worker dormitories calling them “patently untrue.”
A bonus payment and higher wages were promised to all new recruits in an effort to get workers to return to the plant after several fled the premises in October over Covid concerns and poor living conditions.
Several new recruits, however, began protesting after they found out that they would receive these special bonuses only if they stayed at the factory till March, Bloomberg reported.
To quell the workers anger over the issue, Foxconn has offered ¥10,000 ($1,400) compensation to new recruits who choose to leave the plant, saying it would respect their wishes.
Due to China’s restrictive zero-Covid policy, workers at the factory have been forced to live on-site in a closed bubble—isolated inside dorms where they face food shortages and lack of proper access to medicines among other things.
News Peg
Chaos as the massive “iPhone City” manufacturing campus which houses more than 200,000 people on Wednesday has prompted officials in the city of Zhengzhou—where the factory is located—to issue lockdown orders in parts of the city deemed to be “high risk.” People in these high risk areas have been ordered to stay at home while the rest of the city’s residents have been urged to only step out for necessary tasks. This new lockdown is unlikely to have a major impact on the iPhone factory itself as it was already designated a “high risk” zone with workers not allowed to leave the large campus.
What To Watch For
While Apple hasn’t issued an official statement on the impact of Wednesday’s clashes, the company earlier this month warned about a delay in shipments of its flagship iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max phones due to “Covid-19 restrictions” in Zhengzhou. On Apple’s website, the estimated delivery time for an iPhone 14 Pro or Pro Max shows up as six weeks at the time of publishing.
Further Reading
Apple supplier Foxconn apologises for hiring blunder at COVID-hit China plant (Reuters)
Foxconn Offers Staff $1,400 to Leave After iPhone City Violence (Bloomberg)
Apple Shares Dip In Premarket Amid Covid Protest At China’s Biggest iPhone Factory (Forbes)