Four Ways To Creatively Connect From Afar

When 100 percent of our company went remote in 2020, it was hard to say goodbye to the inspiring face-to-face connections we were accustomed to. What we learned, though, is that our culture was bigger than this comfortably familiar everyday routine. Team Medix has never had a problem with creativity, so we got creative and began to collaborate and genuinely connect from afar.

As I mentioned in Chapter Four of Culture Through Crisis: One Team’s Commitment to Winning with Purpose, we were able to connect because we care about each other. This was established in our culture prior to the pandemic, so the transition wasn’t as challenging as it could have been. Before you and your company begin on a journey of creatively connecting from afar, I’d advise you to establish a culture that is already collaborative and caring, with relationships that transcend in-office, surface-level connections.

Taking conversations to a deeper level can transcend the physical location. For example, instead of small talk, why not truly get to know your teammates? Turn the “How was your weekend” into “I am going to propose to my girlfriend next weekend; want to see the ring?” We’ve developed this deeper connection at Medix by changing the way we communicate.

Although many of us are back in the office, there also remains an entirely remote or hybrid workforce that needs engagement with fellow humans and colleagues. Why not have a little fun while doing it?

Here are four ways we began to get creative from afar. Hopefully, you’ll be inspired by our experience and take an idea for your own to match uniquely to your own company culture!

Virtual lunch and coffee dates

We call ourselves the Medix “family”. In 2020, we began to have “family lunches.” Team members were paired up with colleagues across the country to spend lunch hours together. We never knew who we’d be “sitting in front of,” and it was a quick success! We also apply this concept to virtual coffees, which we call Roasts Across the Coast.

Having your own virtual, surprise team lunches (or coffees) is an awesome way to meet folks you may not otherwise have the chance to get to know.

Virtual happy hours

What began as company-wide happy hours in 2020 (I tried to be on each one, for each time zone!) transitioned to regional ones led by regional managers. Turning the traditional happy hour on its head, we proved that convening virtually to share a little about our lives in and outside of work proved to be an effective way to stay connected!

Virtual promotions and kudos

Where’s the fun in a virtual promotion, you ask? Make sure everyone’s on camera, and “pass the bottle.” That’s what we did — every team member on the call takes a sip from their soda or water bottle and says something nice about the promotee. Everyone’s engaged, the event is special, and the promoted team member feels extra appreciated.

Medix has also started doing virtual Kudoboards for birthdays, anniversaries, and big milestones so that people everywhere in the company can share public kudos, pictures, and funny gifs/memes for the individual. It’s a creative way to make people feel special when “passing around a card” between desks isn’t feasible.

Virtual Creative Outlets

Just because we’re remotely working doesn’t mean we can’t break for a little creative, cultural fun now and then — together! Since we can’t just get together for frequent team-building exercises and general enjoyment, why not bring those to the virtual arena?

That’s what we did: from virtual magic shows and virtual concerts to virtual cocktail classes and virtual escape rooms, these creative outlets allowed us to learn and simply enjoy life a little more together.

What we learned from all of this is that collaboration can occur in ways you might never expect. Try new things, and see what best motivates your team.

I’m curious. How does your team creatively connect from afar?
