Fortnite and GTA6 will Drive the Development of Metaverse

The passion surrounding the metaverse among Web3 enthusiasts appears paradoxical, as functional versions of it may first manifest through Web2 games in 2024 and 2025.

Disruptive innovation typically follows a gradual evolutionary pattern, building upon established foundations. There is no exception for the transition from Web2 to Web3, especially in the context of the metaverse.

In contrast, the metaverse has been evolving over the years, primarily drawing inspiration from Web2 video games. These games currently offer environments that closely align with the metaverse concept, outpacing many Web3 projects.

These games currently offer environments that closely align with the metaverse concept, outpacing many Web3 projects.

Development of Web3

The delayed arrival of Web3 in the metaverse realm is a natural part of the technological evolutionary cycle. This progression relies on the twin factors of technological evolution and evolving perceptions of value.

The groundwork of Web2 has helped in Web3’s emergence and drawn a parallel to the evolution of Uber in the taxi industry. Taxis, in the case of Uber, established the basic idea of paying to be transported in a stranger’s car.

In 2021, the renaming of Facebook to Meta brought a surge in attention to metaverse-building projects. However, at that time, most endeavors were embryonic, basic, and limited.

The current moment in history presents a unique opportunity, akin to the catalyzing moment of 2021 but with notable differences. Fortnite has demonstrated the feasibility and fun of creating interoperability between different brands within its virtual environment.

Fortnite’s interoperability, achieved through commercial agreements, contrasts with the open metaverse’s vision, where blockchain assets would facilitate such interactions. Fortnite’s recent update took interoperability a step further, integrating characters and game modes from diverse universes. This masterclass demonstrated the possibility of merging items in the same virtual environment, fostering user enthusiasm.

Before Fortnite, the average user struggled to comprehend the concept of interoperability. The game acted as a necessary bridge, a Web2.5, introducing users to a world where transitioning to Web3 became plausible. Projects like Sandbox, Otherside, and Star Atlas now have a stronger foundation for building similar interoperability using blockchain.

Development Ahead

A potential game-changer in 2025 could be the introduction of a functioning digital economy, rumored to be a feature in Grand Theft Auto 6 (GTA 6). If confirmed, it would validate the Web3-based metaverse concept on a monumental scale.

Digital economies, although familiar to Web3 users, remain abstract for the broader population. A shift towards a cryptocurrency-based economy within a highly anticipated game like GTA 6 could be a significant catalyst.

When it comes to digital identity, Web2 games and applications have been pivotal in shaping the open metaverse’s concept. They’ve introduced younger generations to the idea of using digital outfits as status symbols, a phenomenon now valued more than real-life clothing.

Just as taxis served as a bridge to Uber, these Web2 games are poised to be the bridge for the open metaverse to truly shine.

Web3 is unlikely to drive the transition solely to the metaverse, as they engage in building concepts that are not widely understood. Instead, leaders in this transition are expected to emerge from Web2 giants like Fortnite, Roblox, and potentially GTA 6.

Investors and individuals aligning with this thesis, whether through investments or active involvement, stand to emerge as winners. Brands that seize the opportunity presented by the open metaverse are poised to play a significant role in the future of marketing, human connections, and digital commerce.
