You may look back and not see many past experiences that make you feel like a champion, but the truth is there’s one inside of all of us.
Even if you’ve never wielded a huge trophy over your head with teammates surrounding you in a cloud of celebration, you are a champion. Even if you think you’ve never conquered anything in your life, this statement still holds true. You may look back and not see many past experiences that make you feel like a champion, but the truth is there’s one inside of all of us. You just have to know how to tap into the attitude (and actions!) of a champion.
Champions aren’t born, they’re made. I’m passionate about helping others improve their lives. My C.H.A.I.R. Leadership program is focused on self-leadership as a means to becoming your best self, as well as being the best leader you can be for others. The “C” in my C.H.A.I.R. program stands for “champion yourself”—the very first skill you need to develop to achieve your goals. Learning to champion yourself is a key skill in the program but isn’t something that happens overnight. No one is born a champion either. It’s something you work towards.
This is the foundation. I can’t emphasize enough how important it is to know how to champion yourself. The rest of the C.H.A.I.R. program rests on this skill alone. To champion yourself, you must advocate for yourself and consistently challenge yourself to be better. It requires knowing what value you bring to the table, while also acknowledging and working through characteristics that hold you back. Championing yourself is self-awareness combined with action. It’s commonly said that you are your own worst enemy, but with attention and perseverance, you can become your greatest ally.
So, how do you tap into the champion in you? There are a few key things needed to unlock your potential, and they all require action. First of all, let go of excuses; they are simply self-imposed stumbling blocks on your path to success. Take ownership for your actions in order to take control of your life. Be proactive, rather than passive, reactive, or worst of all, stagnant. Whatever comes your way, whether it be a success or a setback, forge ahead in a way that fuels your success. Sometimes less-than-ideal situations are necessary to learn and grow.
Own it. The fact that you’re reading this right now means you have value to offer. You’re a person actively working to improve yourself and your life, which is a strength all on its own. Whatever you bring to the table, own it. This means knowing your strengths, as well as your blind spots. It means harnessing who you are rather than pretending to be someone you’re not. It means celebrating successes, sometimes on the same day as owning up to your shortcomings. To be your best advocate, you must be able to own all parts of yourself.
No one will do this for you. This statement is not meant to sound negative or cruel. It’s simply the truth. You are the only person who can intimately and attentively look out for your best interests. No one else knows you like you do, and others have the responsibility for looking out for (and championing!) themselves. If you look to others to help you grow and succeed, you’ll be disappointed. The only person who has a chance of creating a wonderful life for you is YOU! This is a universal truth, no matter your age, position, or lifestyle.
So, where do you begin? Knowing where to begin can be one of the most difficult parts of self-leadership. Take solace in knowing that by reading this article, you’ve already begun. Now, it’s up to you to take the next step in your journey. Improving yourself and reaching your goals can be a long road, but having been down that road myself, I promise you it’s worth every bit of the work required.
If you’re ready to continue on your journey towards becoming the very best leader for both yourself and others, I’ve got the roadmap for you. My new book Pull Up Your C.H.A.I.R. will give you the strategies you need to forge ahead like a champion.