Ginny and Georgia
Netflix’s new #1 show is Ginny and Georgia, returning for season 2 after lengthy delay. Season 1 aired back in February of 2021, meaning it’s been almost two years, yet another victim of pandemic-based delays.
Now the question is open: Will Ginny and Georgia get renewed for season 3?
These days, as ever, all bets are off with Netflix. It has not gotten an early or instant renewal yet, as we do sometimes (rarely) see, and yet it’s performing well with its #1 debut here. But we do know a good amount about a potential season 3 from those making the show itself.
There’s a new Deadline interview with Ginny and Georgia’s creator (Sarah Lampert) and showrunner (Debra J. Fisher), where they first state they simply have not discussed season 3 with Netflix yet:
“No, there’s been no talks with Netflix about Season 3. They’re very regimented about how they do things. So there’s very much a strategy in place where I think we’ll drop it, and then we have to wait to see how it does and if we’re going to see Season 3 but I certainly hope we do because it’s going to be a wild ride.”
Ginny and Georgia
The good news is that Ginny and Georgia has dropped during a pretty non-competitive time with other series in the beginning of the new year here, and with its stellar early performance, it’s a strong start. But we know Netflix considers other metrics like completion percentage, and we’ve seen past data about Netflix cancelling shows after no more than two seasons, because they think it doesn’t drive enough new subscribers.
That said, the creator and showrunner are very much trying to speak season 3 in the existence. They bring up season 3 a whole lot of times throughout the course of the interview. Here’s what they’re hoping to dig into then. Spoilers follow.
- The show will look really different in season 3, namely because Georgia has actually been arrested for murder, which ends season 2 on a pretty huge cliffhanger.
- They want to throw a number of “surprises” into season 3 that they already have planned out.
- They will dig deeper into Austin and what he witnessed during season 2, and how that will affect him.
- There’s a missing scene between Georgia helping Cynthia and the arrest itself, and that is supposed to be explored in season 3.
- They’ll explore how or if Paul sticks by his new wife after her arrest in season 3.
- They’ll deal more with the eating disorder presented in season 2 as they wanted to take their time with that and show it couldn’t be wrapped up neatly in one season.
In conclusion “there is so much that could potentially happen in season 3, it’s almost overwhelming.”
They are really, really gunning hard for a season 3 here, with so much left on the table in terms of story. Of course, this would not be the first Netflix series to be cancelled with more content planned or after a huge cliffhanger, but I don’t know, this one would be pretty unforgivable. For now, it looks like Ginny and Georgia may perform well enough for season 3, but never say never with Netflix lately. More to come, stay tuned.
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