ETF frenzy diverts attention from Coinbase’s uncertain path

As the cryptocurrency sector teeters on the brink of what could be a transformative era, Coinbase Global Inc. finds itself in a paradoxical ascent, its fortunes seemingly uplifted by the fervent buzz over a new Bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF).

The ETF mania has injected optimism into the market, potentially signaling a boost in demand. However, the jubilance obscures the looming ambiguities that beset the largest US crypto exchange.

Coinbase Caught in Regulatory Crosshairs

Despite the exuberance surrounding the imminent ETF, analysts sound a note of caution, suggesting that the very instrument that could spur business might concurrently funnel investors away from Coinbase’s platform.

Further muddying the waters is an ongoing lawsuit from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which casts a pall over the firm’s trajectory.

Yet, anticipation has a way of dulling concern, at least temporarily, as Coinbase is poised to reveal an uptick in its third-quarter fiscal report.

While forecasts indicate a slump in trading volume, exceeding 50%, analysts remain sanguine, predicting revenues to rise to $654.7 million against last year’s $590 million.

This uptick is credited to the burgeoning yield from USDC stablecoin reserves and elevated trading fees.

John Todaro of Needham & Co. posits a more upbeat outlook for Coinbase, advocating for its shares with a “buy” rating, despite the fact that the company’s quarterly losses are projected to hover around $130 million.

Coinbase’s share price has seen a dramatic upswing, surging by about 120% this year, although it still lags behind the dizzying heights of over $400 seen at its Nasdaq debut in April 2021.

This rally, however, isn’t solely attributable to the company’s performance; it’s also tied to the heightened anticipation around Bitcoin ETFs—a sentiment that may be eclipsing the gravity of potential regulatory repercussions, as noted by Stephen Glagola of TD Cowen, who maintains an “underperform” rating on the shares.

The Double-Edged Sword of ETF Enthusiasm

The allure of ETFs could indeed bolster Coinbase’s retail business by attracting more individual investors to Bitcoin, potentially via its own platform.

This sector, albeit smaller in revenue generation compared to retail trading, is ripe for expansion. Several spot Bitcoin ETF proposals have Coinbase’s custodial services in their sights, which could prove lucrative for the company.

The retail arm of the exchange could ride the wave of a successful Bitcoin ETF launch, assuming the raised profile of Bitcoin propels a broad swell in retail volumes.

Todaro’s commentary suggests that Coinbase’s revenue might benefit more significantly from a general rise in Bitcoin prices triggered by ETF excitement rather than direct business inflow.

In the midst of this ETF fever, Coinbase’s path remains fraught with uncertainty. The SEC’s allegations of running an illegal exchange hang like a Damocles sword over its future.

Should the SEC emerge victorious, it could spell the disintegration of Coinbase as it stands—partitioned into distinct entities handling exchange, brokerage, and custodial duties.

For now, Coinbase navigates a precarious ledge, buoyed by ETF speculation while simultaneously tethered to the whims of regulatory scrutiny.

The trajectory for this crypto behemoth is anything but linear, as it wades through the murky waters of anticipation and apprehension, with its future hinging on the balance of innovation and compliance.
