Escalating computational arms race to one-up others in the network – Cryptopolitan

The invention of quantum computers has brought about a paradigm shift in the world of computing. Unlike classical computers that use binary digits (bits) to represent data, quantum computers use quantum bits (qubits) to represent data.

Qubits have unique properties that enable quantum computers to perform certain calculations exponentially faster than classical computers. This has triggered an escalating computational arms race among various entities, including governments, corporations, and research institutions, each striving to develop the most powerful quantum computer to one-up others in the network. In this article, we will delve into the implications of this arms race and its potential impact on various sectors of the economy.

What are Quantum Computers?

Quantum computing is a revolutionary technology that leverages the principles of quantum mechanics to perform calculations and solve problems beyond the capabilities of classical computers. Unlike classical computers, which rely on binary digits or bits (either 0 or 1), quantum computers use quantum bits or qubits. Qubits exist in a superposition state, meaning they can be both 0 and 1 simultaneously, allowing quantum computers to process vast amounts of information simultaneously.

IBM Quantum is at the forefront of this rapidly-evolving field, providing access to real quantum hardware and advancing the development of quantum computing software and quantum-classical orchestration. By continually delivering more powerful superconducting quantum processors, IBM Quantum is working toward the speed and capacity necessary to transform the world.

Quantum computers are uniquely suited to solve problems in fields such as cryptography, materials science, and drug discovery. These machines can potentially revolutionize how we solve complex problems and create new technologies. With the availability of IBM Quantum’s quantum hardware, developers can now explore the possibilities of quantum computing and unlock its vast potential.

How do quantum computers work?

Quantum computers are engineering marvels, packing immense computational power into a small, elegant machine. IBM Quantum’s processors are housed on a wafer barely larger than a laptop’s, and their accompanying hardware systems are about the size of a car. The key to their operation lies in using qubits, multidimensional quantum bits that replace classical computers’ binary digits or bits.

To operate effectively, quantum computers need to be incredibly cold in fact, they operate at a temperature that is just a hundredth of a degree above absolute zero. This requires using super-cooled superfluids to create superconductor materials that exhibit remarkable quantum mechanical properties. Electrons flow through these materials without resistance, making them superconductors. When electrons pass through them, they form “Cooper pairs,” which can carry a charge across barriers and through insulators via quantum tunneling. When two superconductors are placed on either side of an insulator, they create a Josephson junction, a key component of IBM Quantum’s superconducting qubits.

To control the behavior of these qubits, IBM Quantum fires microwave photons at them. This enables them to hold, change, and read out individual units of quantum information. But the real power of qubits lies in their ability to enter a state of superposition, a combination of all possible configurations of the qubit. Groups of qubits in superposition can create complex, multidimensional computational spaces that allow complex problems to be represented in new ways.

Entanglement is another crucial quantum mechanical effect. When two qubits are entangled, changes to one qubit directly impact the other. Quantum algorithms leverage these relationships to solve complex issues, a feat that would be impossible for classical computers. With their superconducting qubits and advanced cooling systems, IBM Quantum’s quantum computers are pushing the boundaries of what is possible and unlocking the vast potential of quantum computing.

Use cases of Quantum Computers

Quantum computers can potentially solve certain types of problems that classical computers cannot efficiently solve. Here are some examples of use cases for quantum computers:

  • Cryptography: Quantum computers can break certain types of cryptographic codes that are currently considered secure. On the other hand, they can also help in developing new cryptographic techniques that are more secure.
  • Drug Discovery: Quantum computers can simulate the behavior of molecules more accurately than classical computers. This can help in discovering new drugs and accelerating the drug discovery process.
  • Optimization problems: Many real-world problems, such as scheduling and routing, can be formulated as optimization problems. Quantum computers can potentially solve these problems much faster than classical computers.
  • Machine Learning: Quantum computers can accelerate certain types of machine learning algorithms. For example, they can be used for clustering and classification tasks.
  • Financial modeling: Quantum computers can be used to simulate financial models and perform risk analysis for portfolios.
  • Materials Science: Quantum computers can simulate the behavior of materials at the quantum level, which can help develop new materials with desirable properties.
  • Quantum Simulation: Quantum computers can simulate quantum systems that are too complex for classical computers to simulate, such as quantum field theories and quantum many-body systems.
  • Weather forecasting: Quantum computers can be used to run more accurate simulations of weather patterns and climate change.

Limitations of Quantum Computing

Quantum computing holds tremendous potential for various industries, including pharmaceuticals, finance, and logistics, to name a few. However, the technology has several limitations. One significant challenge is decoherence, which is the loss of quantum coherence due to environmental factors.

The slightest disturbance in the qubit environment can cause decoherence, leading to computational errors or collapse. To prevent this, quantum computers must be protected from all external interference during the computing stage.

Another challenge is error correction during the computing stage. Conventional error correction solutions used by classical computers don’t work on qubits, as they aren’t digital bits of data. As a result, computations carried out using qubits are potentially unreliable. Researchers are actively working on developing error correction techniques that work on qubits to address this issue.

Retrieving computational results is another challenge for quantum computing. Sometimes, measuring a qubit can cause the quantum state to decohere into the correct answer. However, measuring qubits can also corrupt the data, making retrieving computational results challenging. Database search algorithms that address this issue hold promise for overcoming this challenge.

Security and quantum cryptography are other areas where quantum computing faces limitations. While quantum cryptography promises unbreakable encryption, the technology is not yet fully developed. As quantum computers become more powerful, the risk of attacks on traditional encryption methods increases.

Finally, the lack of qubits limits the potential impact of quantum computing. Researchers have yet to produce more than a few dozen qubits, whereas some applications may require thousands or even millions. Increasing the number of qubits is essential for realizing the full potential of quantum computing. While these limitations pose significant challenges for quantum computing, researchers actively work to overcome them and unlock the technology’s full potential.

Will quantum computing destroy cryptocurrency?

Quantum computing holds enormous potential for solving complex problems in various industries, including pharmaceuticals, manufacturing, and finance. However, its development also threatens the security of public blockchains and cryptocurrency networks.

While the aim of quantum computers is to solve the world’s most complex issues, bad actors could use them to wreak havoc on the blockchain and cryptocurrency networks. Therefore, blockchain technology must evolve into a quantum-resistant ledger system to survive quantum computing within the next decade.

One solution to this concern could be to scale up key sizes. However, it remains to be seen whether this is feasible as quantum computers become more powerful with time. Therefore, new cryptography concepts such as lattice-based cryptography and quantum-resistant algorithms are the way forward.

Lattice-based cryptography adds mathematical noise to the encryption, which confuses a quantum computer. Meanwhile, quantum-resistant algorithms rely on math problems that are difficult for both classical and quantum computers to solve, ensuring relevance and security in both computing systems.

Whether cryptocurrencies implement structured lattices or hash-based algorithms, staying ahead of the capabilities of quantum computers is key. The technology must be proactive and develop solutions that anticipate future threats to ensure the security of public blockchains and cryptocurrency networks.

Recent developments in Quantum Computer 

Quantum computing has been a hot topic for many years, with researchers and engineers worldwide working tirelessly to develop machines that can provide unprecedented computational power. However, recent breakthroughs have taken us closer than ever before to realizing the full potential of quantum computers.

In January of this year, a team of Australian engineers made a groundbreaking discovery. They found a way to control electrons within quantum dots that can run logic gates without needing a large, bulky system. This could be a game-changer when it comes to building quantum computers that are reasonably sized.

Meanwhile, at MIT, researchers have developed an architecture for quantum computers that will allow for high-fidelity communication between quantum processors. This breakthrough allows for the interconnection of multiple processors, enabling modular implementations of larger-scale machines built from smaller individual components.

The ability to communicate between smaller subsystems is a major step forward in developing quantum computers. It allows for a modular architecture that may be simpler to scale to larger system sizes than the brute-force approach of using a single large and complicated chip. This breakthrough has enormous potential for developing quantum computers that are more practical and efficient than ever before.

In addition to these technological breakthroughs, we have also seen significant developments in the manufacturing and production of quantum computers. Maryland-based company IonQ recently announced the opening of a 65,000-square-foot facility in Bothell, WA. This will be the first dedicated quantum computer manufacturing facility in the United States, representing a major step forward in the commercialization of quantum computing.

All of these developments are exciting news for the world of quantum computing. We are closer than ever before to unlocking the full potential of this incredible technology, and we can expect to see even more breakthroughs in the years to come. As we continue to push the boundaries of what is possible, we can look forward to a future where quantum computers revolutionize how we solve complex problems and advance our understanding of the world around us.

Top 10 enterprises using quantum computing


For several years, Google has been a dominant player in the field of quantum computing. They have been at the forefront of the industry, striving to create machines that are more powerful than anything that has come before. One of their most impressive accomplishments in this regard is the development of a quantum computer that they have named “Bristlecone.”


IBM is a significant contributor to the quantum computing industry, having developed the “IBM Q” quantum computer that can be accessed through the IBM Cloud. Additionally, they offer various quantum software and services to their customers.


Microsoft has been researching quantum physics for many years to tackle complex societal challenges. They have developed all the necessary components for a topological qubit, a unique and faster type of qubit that will drive their future quantum computer.

Microsoft provides companies with affordable access to quantum resources through their Azure cloud platform, eliminating the need for costly infrastructure. Users can also access resources from other companies like QCI, Honeywell, Toshiba, IONQ, and 1Qloud.


IonQ specializes in developing trapped ion quantum computers, and they have become a leading player in this field. Their expertise lies in creating these unique quantum computers that utilize trapped ions. Currently, they have created one of the most powerful quantum computers available.

Their expertise in trapped ion quantum computers has led to significant advancements in the field of quantum computing. IonQ’s cutting-edge technology has been instrumental in expanding the potential applications of quantum computing. Their quantum computers have demonstrated high accuracy, reliability, and speed, making them highly sought after by researchers and businesses alike.

D-Wave Systems

D-Wave Systems is a prominent player in the quantum computing industry, specializing in developing quantum annealing computers. Their expertise lies in creating quantum computers that utilize the process of quantum annealing. They have established themselves as a leading provider of this type of quantum computing technology.

D-Wave Systems has designed and created one of the most powerful quantum computers in the world, which they have aptly named “2000Q.” This quantum computer has garnered significant attention and is highly regarded for its impressive capabilities. Its power and speed have enabled researchers and businesses to tackle previously impossible problems using classical computers.


Alibaba is a major player in the quantum computing industry and has been actively working on developing quantum computing and quantum communication technologies. Their efforts in this field have contributed significantly to the advancement of quantum computing.

Alibaba’s research and development have led to the creation of one of the most powerful quantum computers in the world, called “Jiuzhang.” This quantum computer has garnered much attention and praise for its impressive capabilities.

Additionally, Alibaba has created a cloud service for quantum computing, making it more accessible to researchers and businesses. This cloud service offers affordable and flexible access to quantum computing resources, enabling researchers and businesses to explore the potential of quantum computing.


Xanadu is a quantum computing company that specializes in creating photonic quantum computers. Their focus on this area has led to significant advancements in the field of quantum computing. Xanadu has established itself as a key player in the industry thanks to its cutting-edge technology and expertise in photonic quantum computing.

Besides creating photonic quantum computers, Xanadu offers a wide range of quantum software and services. Their quantum software and services provide researchers and businesses with the necessary tools to explore the potential of quantum computing.

Additionally, Xanadu has built a prototype quantum computer, demonstrating its capability to create advanced quantum computing technology. This prototype quantum computer has proven to be highly accurate and reliable, making it a promising development in the field of quantum computing.


Honeywell is a significant player in the quantum computing industry and has made notable contributions to the field. Their expertise has led to the creation of one of the most powerful quantum computers in the world, called “H0.” Honeywell’s dedication to advancing the technology has enabled them to establish themselves as a key leader in the field of quantum computing.

Besides creating potent quantum computers, Honeywell offers a broad range of quantum software and services. This quantum software and services provide researchers and businesses with the necessary tools to explore the potential of quantum computing. Honeywell’s expertise and experience in the field make them a reliable partner for businesses looking to integrate quantum computing into their operations.

Zapata Computing

Zapata Computing is a company that specializes in creating software for quantum computers. Their expertise lies in developing software that can harness the potential of quantum computing. Zapata Computing has established itself as a key player in the industry thanks to its cutting-edge technology and extensive experience in quantum computing software.

Apart from creating quantum software, Zapata Computing also provides a range of quantum software and services to researchers and businesses. Their services include a quantum compiler, which translates quantum algorithms into executable code, and a quantum programming language, which enables programmers to write code for quantum computers.

These tools and services make quantum computing more accessible to researchers and businesses, enabling them to explore the potential of quantum computing in various fields.

Cambridge Quantum Computing

Cambridge Quantum Computing is a company that specializes in creating quantum software. Their expertise lies in developing software that can harness the power of quantum computing. Cambridge Quantum Computing has established itself as a key player in the industry thanks to its cutting-edge technology and extensive experience in quantum computing software.

Apart from creating quantum software, Cambridge Quantum Computing provides a range of quantum software and services to researchers and businesses. Their services include a quantum compiler, which translates quantum algorithms into executable code, and a quantum programming language, which enables programmers to write code for quantum computers.

These tools and services make quantum computing more accessible to researchers and businesses, enabling them to explore the potential of quantum computing in various fields. Additionally, Cambridge Quantum Computing’s software and services are designed to work with various types of quantum hardware, providing users with more flexibility and options when it comes to choosing the right hardware for their needs.

What is in store for the future of quantum computing?

Quantum computing has the potential to revolutionize various industries by processing complex data sets faster and more efficiently than traditional computers. AI and machine learning can benefit from quantum computing by automating and optimizing tasks.

Financial organizations could use quantum computing for modeling behavior and reducing risks, while cybersecurity can benefit from improved encryption. Quantum computing can also optimize route planning for transportation and supply chain logistics, and improve prototyping and testing in manufacturing.

Furthermore, quantum computing can aid drug and chemical research by better understanding molecular structure and developing new products and medicines. Finally, quantum computing can optimize batteries and semiconductors for longevity and efficiency, resulting in better batteries for electric vehicles.


In conclusion, quantum computing has the potential to revolutionize various industries by processing complex data sets faster and more efficiently. Companies such as Honeywell and Zapata Computing are leading the way in developing software that can make quantum computing accessible to researchers, businesses, and central banks.

With their cutting-edge technology and extensive experience in the field, these companies are paving the way for a new era of quantum computing. Ultimately, quantum computing has the potential to revolutionize many industries and facilitate groundbreaking innovations in fields such as AI, cybersecurity, drug research, transportation logistics, and energy efficiency.

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What services does Zapata Computing provide?

Zapata Computing provides a range of quantum software and services, including a quantum compiler and programming language.

How can businesses use Cambridge Quantum Computing’s software and services?

Businesses can use Cambridge Quantum Computing’s software and services to explore the potential of quantum computing in various fields.

How does quantum computing revolutionize industries?

Quantum computing can revolutionize industries by processing complex data sets faster and more efficiently than traditional computers.

What is the impact of quantum computing on financial organizations?

Financial organizations can use quantum computing for modeling behaviour and reducing risks.

How does quantum computing benefit AI and machine learning?

Quantum computing can help automate and optimize AI and machine learning tasks.
