Eminem Apes – Trustnodes

Eminem and Snoop Dogg have gone full ape in their newest rap video From The D 2 The LBC.

The album debuted at the Ape Fest 2022 with the two showing off the music video onstage.

Visually the video transforms the two rappers into apes that go into an adventure of sort in a colorful performance.

Lyrically however we have the usual weed glamor with some bang bang just because, as the naughties boys try to make a comeback.

Making the video somewhat dissociated from the lyrics as the closest to tech is Snoopy saying “Steve Jobs of the cannabis mob.”

Is that a sign that these rappers, who have glamorized gangs for so long, are moving to glamorize techies?

Maybe make some fun of bot Zuk in his metaverse? Heat up the Musk v Bezos space rivalry. Give an ode to innovators. And sing to pioneers.

That would have been a very different teenagehood. Yet optimism in rap is rarer than humans on Mars, making this video interesting for suggesting that rap, and music more generally, may be slowly and very tentatively moving towards that optimism.

Because it has color. It starts off in a dark studio to then ape with yellow while Eminem raps about pretty much nothing.

Making it a curious tension of sorts, reflecting perhaps the wider attitude of not being quite sure whether we should give in to these apes, whether they are indeed reviving art.

All we can say is that they seem to be doing something. Something perhaps quite cool. Something maybe very raw.

And it’s just the beginning. Pure in form, the video, fresh in new-esness, and unique.

Showing, in stark contrast, just why NFTs have been so appealing. And showing their magic too, their ability and incentives to engage in creative creation.

Lucky the teens of today therefore as they get to enjoy our attempts to bring back that 90s optimism with doges and apes.


Source: https://www.trustnodes.com/2022/06/24/eminem-apes