Elon Musk Father Proved the Ownership of Emerald Mine; Seek Reward

Elon Musk, the centi billionaire, announced that he would pay 1 million Dogecoin to the one who successfully proved the existence of the mystery emerald mine. In recent months, numerous media outlets have claimed that Musk owns the mine.

The rumors arose after a designer at Dogecoin challenged the media outlets, spreading rumors that if they proved that the Tesla owner owned the emerald mine, he would pay 69,420 DOGE as a reward.  

This announcement of the designer influenced Musk to enter the conversation, and after his entry, he announced to offer 1 million memecoin to the one who proves this ownership.     

The rumor that the Musk family owns an emerald mine in Africa is reportedly from 2014. Henceforth, Twitter CEO has confessed in a now-deleted Forbes interview that his father has ownership of such a mine in Zambia. However, the article has already been removed; all that is left is the web archive page. 

His father, Errol Musk, stepped forward to claim the prize offered by Musk, asserting that he could prove the mine’s existence. Musk was surprised to discover that his father would come up to prove him wrong and claim the prize. 

During an exclusive interview, Errol Musk revealed that his emerald venture contributed to Elon’s initial success in the United States. When Errol read about the Dogecoin winning challenge, he said, “I was wondering if I could enter this contest because I can prove my existence.”      

Eroll Described that Musk and his siblings knew about the emerald mine, and even his daughter still has several valuable pendants. The interview of Musk’s father sparked criticism on Twitter; platform users started questioning Musk why he was spreading false information and his aim in announcing the Dogecoin reward. 

Musk’s father was a South African politician, Electromechanical engineer, Sailor, and Pilot. He was co-owner of an emerald mine near Lake Tanganyika in Zambia that played a significant role in supporting the lifestyle of the Musk family and Elon’s empire in the early stages.   

On April 16, 2023, TheCoinRepublic reported that Elon plans to launch artificial intelligence (AI) software to compete with ChatGPT and its developing company OpenAI.

It is important to note that Elon Musk was among the co-founders of OpenAI in 2015. Later in 2018, he stepped down from the post to avoid unwanted distractions that could hamper Tesla vehicles’ development. 

According to an international media outlet, Musk recently registered his new company X.AI Corp in Nevada. The registration of the new company is a clear symbol that in the coming months, a rival of ChatGPT will be available in the market, backed by the Tesla founder. 


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Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2023/04/23/elon-musk-father-proved-the-ownership-of-emerald-mine-seek-reward/