Education Will Not Take Backseat in Virtual World and VictoryXR Will Ensure it

The pandemic stopped the world quite literally as even the most crucial tasks such as education took a back seat. However, something as important as education can not be left behind and hence the world moved on with digital classrooms. Though it was necessary, both the educators and students were not ready for the paradigm shift. Companies like VictoryXR are working towards parting this distance through AR and VR-like innovative solutions. 

VictoryXR founded in 2016 and rigorously expanded presence in the United States and other countries across the world. But the real value emerged when Covid-19 pandemic hit and locked people in their houses. Such incidents prove the world needs to leverage the cutting edge technologies like augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR). And education should be no exception. 

VictoryXR to Make Digital Education More Immerse

In traditional ‘digital classrooms’ the quality of interaction and practical knowledge—key aspects of education—were difficult to serve through the existing technology. The online form of providing education through video calls could be better than ‘no education’ but could not be a substitute for a live classroom. 

The liveliness of a classroom is almost impossible by the online call platforms, but with AR and VR, the immersive and nearly live interaction like features can be made possible. 

VictoryXR is aligned towards the similar goal to improve the learning experience in distance education. It seeks online classes to resemble the actual ones. 

With more awareness about the technology and wider usage, the accessibility and affordability of these technologies could be brought lower. This way the education through highly advanced tools can be brought to students without compromising on quality. 

When asked about what the company is doing different in educational sector in an interview with TheCoinRepublic, VictoryXR’s John King stated, “I think that, you know, going back to the the element of the pandemic, it made a lot of educational institutions take notice of some institutional and structural weaknesses that were there

when you have to consider delivering education. 

In a way that’s not face to face sitting in the same room so are those problems. In the realization of those problems started to emerge just like schools have always done over the years decades and centuries. 

They’ve adapted with the localized conditions and the general trends to try to continue to provide those services and what we do at Victory XR that makes us unique is that we are primarily a education company and that revolves around the software that we develop the tools that we create and basically pass on to our partners that enable them to achieve their goals which at the end of the day is delivering instruction in a meaningful way that achieves the learning objectives of courses. If we can help schools do that with our tools related to software and then also the accompanying hardware. 

VictoryXR Provides Customary Changes According to Needs

The efficiency of AR and VR is very much dependent upon its syncing and simulations and VictoryXR ensures these features work uninterrupted. The company facilitates asynchronous and synchronous content, simulators, simulations instruments. These devices are uniquely focused on education. 

In addition, VictoryXR is open for solutions and improvisation, as it takes suggestions and guidance from people using the products. This helps them to tweak the devices and make it more user friendly considering the needs of end consumers. 

Yet, one of the main challenges for the technology to persist is awareness of its existence. Those who are likely to use it, educators and students, need to know about it to meet their goal of spreading education without compromising. Buffering internet, uninteresting and non-interactive environment of virtual classrooms can be replaced with VictoyXR’s offerings of advanced and innovative ways. 

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