Economists, and Their Comical Search For a Higher ‘Inflation Target’

If you attended college before the 2000s, you no doubt remember the arrival of phone bills. The arrival was particularly fraught if you had roommates. In which case there were at times sweaty discussions about whose 14-minute call that was to Lake Jackson, or who spent 29 minutes on the phone to Los Angeles.

College students of the moment happily can’t contemplate what used to be true: the phone bill used to create discomfort. Even a call from Dallas to Fort Worth was expensive. Nowadays we don’t even think about these things. Which is the point.

They’re a reminder that economic growth is the surest sign of falling, not rising prices. Growth is a consequence of investment, and capital is invariably invested with an eye on bringing productivity up so that the market cost of goods and services will go down.

It’s all so elementary, yet not to Harvard economist Jason Furman. Furman continues to promote the fiction that the path to lower prices is “widespread layoffs.” Reality mocks what he imagines.

At the same time, Furman’s belief in the discredited Phillips Curve is not the purpose of this write-up. Instead, this one will address Furman’s laughable assertion that “Higher inflation also helps the Fed stimulate investment, because any given nominal borrowing cost becomes less onerous when businesses can count on future price increases to meet it.” Books. Could. Be. Written.

On its face, Furman’s reasoning insults absurd. He implies that in debt markets there are borrowers only. No, for someone to borrow someone else must save. To then pretend that the saver will blithely hand over funds to a borrower without adjusting the borrowing rate to reflect inflation is quite something. Only for Furman to always manage to find even more ridiculous things to assert.

Indeed, if we ignore just how ludicrous it is for him to assume the Fed is necessary to stimulate investment in a country populated with the world’s most talented people, we can’t ignore his assertion that the higher prices allegedly born of inflation stimulate investment. Here Furman insults backwards.

To see why, we need only consider the region of the country (Silicon Valley) dense with some of the world’s most valuable companies. They didn’t achieve massive valuations by jacking up prices. Quite the opposite, really. Consider Apple
, and the iPhones that loom so large in its world-leading valuation: far more than phones, these supercomputers incorporate all manner of features, gadgetry and technology that not terribly long ago would have set a consumer back millions. Yet we’re able to purchase an iPhone for less than $1,000, and we’re able to pay quite a bit less than $1,000 if we enter into a contract with a wireless carrier.

At the same time, these are phones. That they are is very telling, and a total rejection of Furman’s remarkably obtuse contention that investors migrate to businesses capable of raising prices. It’s amazing someone as credentialed as Furman could believe something so at odds with reality. As evidenced by how the days assigning long-distance charges are very much in the rear-view mirror, the supercomputers that sit in our pockets also offer unlimited calling around the U.S. for a rather small monthly fee. Rest assured that in time, the cost of international calling will resemble that of domestic.

Crucial about these very real advances is that they run very counter to how Furman imagines the world works. In a real world of commerce that routinely rejects the mean-spirited view of capitalism promoted by professors on college campuses, the most valuable businesses get that way by relentlessly pushing prices down.
