Here’s what’s in every Fortnite present in the Cozy Lodge during the Winterfest 2022 event.
Fortnite Winterfest 2022 has arrived. That means a new Winterfest Lodge to explore (now called the Cozy Lodge, for obvious reasons) as well as 14 days of challenges, rewards and good cheer.
Christmas trees now dot the land, Christmas skins dot the Item Shop, and you can get three free skins, a bunch of emotes, a pickaxe, some lobby tracks, a Back Bling and more.
To get to these presents, simply click the snowflake at the top of the screen in the lobby where you select Battle Pass and other options. This will take you to another menu screen where you can select the Cozy Lodge (why isn’t it a Cozy Cabin?) and you’ll find yourself in the room pictured above. Be sure to check for pizza slices (note the one in front of the couch) which will grant you 10,000 XP each time. Resting by the fire will also grant random XP each day. If you interact with the yellow gamepad nobody’s using you’ll drive a little motorcycle around the floor of the room.
Fortnite Winterfest 2022 Gift Guide
Here’s the full list of free rewards available to everybody during the Winterfest Event (a special Llama Back Bling is available to Fortnite Crew subscribers as well). There are 14 rewards plus the bonus reward for opening every other present. This present is with Sled Ready Guff in the middle of the room where he’s laying cuddling the package, and will wave you off if you try to open it up. Here’s the full list:
- Sled Ready Guff Skin
- Arctic Adeline Skin
- Rip & Tear Lobby Track
- Fractured Melody Lobby Track
- When The Wind Blows Lobby Track
- Fa-la-la-Llama Back Bling
- Wintry Whirligig Glider
- Har-Har-Har! Glider
- Ribbon Trail Contrail
- Sledgecracker Pickaxe
- Gringle Gift Wrap
- Slushy Sneak Wrap
- Lil’ Prancer Emote
- Boom Bauble Emoticon
- Season’s Guffings Spray
(A Slush-Faced Spray and a Naughty or Nice Spray were leaked but I’m not sure they’re part of these presents or were simply not included).
If you don’t want to guess when you’re opening presents, here’s a guide to show you what’s in each one. To the left of the couch where fairy Snowdancer and Cozy Knit Jonesy are playing video games:
Gift Guide
From top left-to-right and down that’s:
- Har-Har-Har! Glider
- Arctic Adeline Skin
- Sledgecracker Pickaxe
- Lil’ Prancer Emote
- Slushy Sneak Wrap
- Season’s Guffings Spray
- Boom Bauble Emoticon
- Rip & Tear Lobby Track
On the right side of the couch we have:
Gift Guide
From top left-to-right and down that’s:
- Wintry Whirligig Glider
- Fa-la-la-Llama Back Bling
- Gringle Gift Wrap
- Fractured Melody Lobby Track / When The Wind Blows Lobby Track
- Ribbon Trail Contrail
So that’s a total of 14 presents since one includes two Lobby Tracks, with the 14th being the Sled Ready Guff (basically a version of the Guff skin from ages ago). There’s also a free Gringle Guff skin in the Item Shop right now that everyone can claim on top of all these other Christmas gifts.
Happy Holidays Fortnite gamers! And Merry Christmas!
Hat-tip to Fortnite dataminer Hypex for the leaked gifts! Give him a follow on Twitter. Here’s a video of the presents being opened for a little extra help: