Dvision and Admix Play Are Partnering for Virtual Brand Placement Services

Dvision, the blockchain-based NFT metaverse platform, recently announced a partnership with Admix Play. The collaboration will see the ventures working together to offer digital brand placement services in the metaverse.

Seeing the surging popularity of blockchain-based games, NFTs, and the metaverse, the proposition seems future proof from every aspect. Known for its advanced metaverse ecosystem, Dvision uses VR technology to remove entry barriers for global users. It also helps enterprises and designers to get the best metaverse experience.

The Dvision Network released an official post to talk about the partnership. The post stated how proud Dvision was to collaborate with Admix Play, a popular in-play advertising platform for Metaverses and mobile games. 

As Admix Play aims to help new projects enter the metaverse and blockchain sector, the partnership seems like a natural choice. By joining hands, Dvision and Admix Play can create a digital promotion touchpoint for companies and brands in the Dvision metaverse.

Admix Play will bring its brand advertising experience into Dvision’s metaverse via its non-intrusive virtual advertising. In addition, the in-play advertising platform will use billboards in the metaverse to promote new projects.

With the partnership, ventures will be able to seamlessly integrate standard brand marketing networks with the Web 3.0 framework. Admix Play will take on a crucial role in assisting projects to enter the Metaverse and compete with global companies with an intuitive advertising approach. 

According to Division, the collaboration might also see them releasing exclusive NFTs with Admix Play, which will feature the best billboards from the metaverse. It will also help brands to maintain an appealing proposition while keeping exploration, connectivity, and gameplay a priority in the Web3 community.

Source: https://www.cryptonewsz.com/dvision-and-admix-play-are-partnering-for-virtual-brand-placement-services/