Dollar’s decline? 25 countries gear up to join BRICS in 2024

The BRICS alliance, comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, is set to expand significantly in 2024. The anticipated 16th BRICS summit, slated for October in Russia’s Kazan region, is a pivotal moment in the world’s finance. This event may witness the induction of approximately 25 new member countries, signaling a major shift in global economic dynamics.

South African BRICS ambassador Anil Sooklal confirmed the surge in membership interest. “Over 20 countries have formally applied to join BRICS, while the same number have expressed interest,” he stated. This influx of new members reflects a growing desire among developing nations to reduce reliance on the US dollar in international trade.

Impact on the US dollar and global economy

This strategic shift towards local currency trade among BRICS nations and potential new members signifies a challenge to the dominance of the US dollar. The move could potentially undermine the dollar’s position in global markets, affecting supply and demand dynamics. The realignment towards local currencies aims to bolster the economies of these developing nations, enhancing their financial autonomy and stability.

The potential departure from dollar-based trade by these countries could have significant repercussions for the American financial sector. It raises concerns about the possible impacts on the US economy, including scenarios of hyperinflation and challenges in funding the nation’s deficit.

Global economic reorientation and BRICS’s role

The expansion of the BRICS bloc and the shift towards trading in local currencies represents a reorientation of the global economic landscape. This development underscores the evolving nature of international trade relations and the growing influence of emerging economies in global affairs.

The year 2024 stands as a potential turning point for the BRICS nations and the global economic order. The expansion of the bloc and the move away from dollar-centric trade could herald a new era of economic interactions, where developing countries gain more control over their trade and financial policies.

Overall, the upcoming BRICS summit and the potential induction of new members signify a crucial moment in global economic history. The move towards local currency trade among these nations poses a challenge to the hegemony of the US dollar, potentially reshaping global trade dynamics. 
