Demolition On Hold As Concerns Mount That More Survivors May Be In Building


The demolition of an apartment building that partially collapsed on Sunday in Davenport, Iowa, is on hold after a ninth person was rescued from the building late Monday night and some other residents remain unaccounted for, according to city officials.

Key Facts

After announcing in a press release on Monday that demolition of the partially-collapsed building would likely begin Tuesday morning, Davenport officials reversed course and said the city is “continually evaluating the timing of the demolition.”

The city announced demolition plans and transitioned from rescue to recovery efforts on Monday, but later in the day a ninth survivor was rescued and protests began to call on the city to slow down the demolition process out of fear that more residents may be trapped inside.

City officials recognized in a release that there are still “unaccounted individuals that were residents of the property” who the police have been working to get in touch with.

The structure remains “in imminent danger of collapse” and the city is hoping to demolish it “to maintain as much safety for the surrounding areas as possible,” said Rich Oswald, director of development and neighborhood services, in a press release; the city closed the surrounding area Monday after about 150 protestors arrived, the Quad-City Times reported.

Key Background

On Sunday evening around 5 p.m., a complex housing 80 units and some retail space on Main Street in Davenport separated from itself and the building collapsed. Though the full cause of the collapse is unknown, authorities found a gas leak and water leaking through the floors of the structure after the collapse, the Associated Press reported. Since the collapse, residents have told media outlets about multiple property complaints, ranging from plumbing issues to air conditioning issues, and city officials said work was being done on the building’s exterior at the time of the collapse. The city served the property owner—Andrew Wold, who bought the property in 2021 for $4 million—with a notice and order for demolition on Monday, meaning the complex is ready for demolition once officials deem it safe. However, protestors have expressed concern that at least two people who were in the building remain unaccounted for, and perhaps more, the Quad-City Times reported. After the collapse, residents were not allowed to go back inside to collect their belongings in the “interest of public safety” because of the property’s “unstable condition,” according to a press release from the city.

Further Reading

Davenport, Iowa, Orders Demolition For Collapsed Apartment Building—Here’s What To Know About Davenport Collapse (Forbes)

Davenport, Iowa building collapse: 9th survivor reportedly rescued as demolition plans may be on hold (CNN)

Partially collapsed apartment building set to be demolished in Iowa amid protests (ABC News)
