deBridge delivers DLN API & boosts cross-chain performance in dApps

deBrige, which is basically a framework for superior functioning cross-chain interoperability, has gone ahead and successfully delivered the DLN API. This will provide the opportunity for decentralized applications to be able to make it possible to carry out quick and deep liquid cross-chain liquidity transfers as and when the requirement occurs. At the present moment in time, every dApp, as well as protocol, is able to effectively utilize DLN API in order to provide immediate and conventional cross-chain trading with the help of querying the API. 

The DLN API creates a scenario wherein it becomes convenient for dApps to provide users the option of attaining the quickest and completely smooth exposure in terms of carrying out trade through various chains. Every connected user is capable of utilizing the DLN API and which in turn brings about quicker trading without reverted transactions. It ensures the fact that cross-chain transactions get settled with immediate effect. 

There is also the aspect of greater capital effectiveness, where users are able to carry out trading through various chains, sometimes as low as 4bps since no fees are charged by AMMs. Then the factor of deeper liquidity comes in wherein the DLN is able to effectively obtain liquidity from the whole blockchain market and does not require to be constrained by the volume of liquidity that is locked in a pool and on the destination chain. 

deBridge is the framework for superior functioning interoperability. It also helps in doing away with the numerous obstacles and connected risk factors with regard to the liquidity pools, thus opening the doors for DeFi applications to be able to carry out quicker upgrades with the help of capital effectiveness, as well as deep liquidity transfers through various chains. 
