DAO Maker Stepped Into Artificial Intelligence in a Quirky Way

  • DAO Maker into AI space through IguVerse.
  • The partnership of Venom Blockchain and DAO Maker.

The Decentralized Finance (DeFi) market set off to a good start in 2023. DAO Maker (DAO), the popular blockchain growth solutions provider well-known for its Launchpad, has been up by 20.58% in the last seven days. At press time, DAO is trading at $1.27, down by 4.44% in the last 24 hours.

On Feb 12, they announced the adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) via IguVerse, a Web 3 application that adds social and community elements to a GameFi app. The firm said IguVerse is the gateway to connect social media users and advertisers to generate unique content on a gamified app.

It is a SocialFi solution that utilizes AI popularity to promote generative collections. DAO Maker tweeted that IguVerse is the first Strong Holder Offering (SHO) that will be raised on its platform. An SHO is a fundraising tool where qualified investors are chosen based on their on-chain activities and other proprietary data sets. 

The CEO of DAO Maker, Chris Zaknun, tweeted, “It’s been less than a week since we announced $DAO funded IDOs, and the first one will open” on Feb 14, 2023. “It’s a new era for $DAO,” he said.

Collaboration of Venom Blockchain and DAO Maker

Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM) licensed Venom Foundation, the first Layer-1 blockchain partnered with DAO Maker to incubate Web3 startups mainly focused on delivering real-world use cases. Through the Venom Launchpad, the Venom Foundation and DAO Maker will incubate upcoming projects. And this collaboration will extend to integrating the Venom Wallet and Venom blockchain in DAO Maker’s Launchpad.

CEO of DAO Maker said, “Our expertise in growth technologies and funding frameworks will support the development of the Venom ecosystem. I am honored to take on an advisory role with the Venom Foundation team and look forward to building the feature of blockchain together.”

The Chairman of the foundation council at Venom Foundation, Peter Knez, commented, “At Venom, we are dedicated to pioneering innovation in the blockchain industry. Our collaboration with DAO is a testament to this; we incubate promising Web3 startups and bring real-world use cases to life.” “We are proud to be a part of this exciting collaboration and eagerly anticipate its impact on the industry,” he said.

Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2023/02/14/dao-maker-stepped-into-artificial-intelligence-in-a-quirky-way/