Cyber Threats Facing Sports And Media Organizations – Cryptopolitan

As with other sports worldwide, the NBA schedule today involves technology and IT services, highlighting their critical role in the sports industry. With so much data at their disposal, sports organizations have the power to make informed decisions and improve performance. However, this also makes them a lucrative target for cybercriminals, increasingly targeting the sector.

This article will examine the cyber threats facing sports and how they can be reduced.

Why Do Sports Organizations Get Hacked?

With cyber-attacks occurring daily and becoming more sophisticated, it’s no surprise that cybercriminals constantly target many sports organizations.

One of the primary motives behind cyber attacks is financial gain. Cybercriminals may seek to take a system offline and demand payment to restore its functionality, as seen with the rise of ransomware attacks. These attacks have become more sophisticated, often targeting corporations with high-value data and demanding large sums of money.

Individuals are also targets of cyber attacks, often due to the personal information they store on their mobile devices and their use of insecure public networks. Cyber attackers may attempt to steal personal information, such as bank account details or login credentials, which can lead to financial loss or identity theft.

Possible Cybersecurity Risks

Effective cybersecurity management should begin with discussions at the board level in sporting organizations. To ensure comprehensive protection, board members should know key attack vectors and potential scenarios that could threaten the organization’s security.

One such scenario is an email account takeover, where a hacker gains access to a business email account and can control conversations, redirect payments, and gain access to sensitive data. Another major threat is ransomware, which involves malware taking control of an organization’s systems and holding them hostage.

A copycat cyber fraud attack is another concern that should be discussed at the board level. In this scenario, the hacker replicates webpages, emails, and other tools to generate malware downloads and steal credentials.

Solutions to Cyber Threats

To ensure comprehensive cybersecurity management, organizations must adopt applicable best practices across all industries. The following methods are crucial in safeguarding sensitive data and systems:

One of the best practices to ensure strong cybersecurity is using a password management tool across all platforms and users. These tools help to generate and store unique and robust passwords for different accounts and systems.

Password management tools eliminate the need for users to remember multiple passwords, which can be challenging, leading to weak passwords that are easy to guess or hack. With a password management tool, users can generate long and complex passwords that are difficult to crack, increasing the security of their accounts.

Another possible solution is keeping software up-to-date with the latest patches. Cybercriminals often exploit vulnerabilities in software to carry out attacks, and regular software updates help to address these vulnerabilities and minimize the risk of successful attacks.

Patches are designed to fix bugs and security issues identified in software, and ignoring them could expose systems and devices to known vulnerabilities. Regularly updating software with the latest patches can help prevent cybercriminals from exploiting weaknesses in the system and gaining access to valuable data.

Protecting email accounts is also crucial for effective cybersecurity, as 91% of cyberattacks begin with phishing emails. Phishing emails are designed to trick users into clicking on malicious links or attachments, providing cybercriminals with access to sensitive information or systems.

To protect email accounts, organizations should prioritize educating employees on identifying and avoiding phishing attempts. This can include providing regular training sessions, running phishing simulations to test employee awareness, and implementing email filtering tools that block suspicious emails.

Given the prevalence of email account takeovers, sporting organizations can invest in AI-based tech like inbox defense systems to provide real-time protection against phishing and other email-based attacks.

A robust cyber awareness program, including sporting clubs, is crucial for any organization. It ensures that all club members, from players to executives, know the risks associated with cyber threats and how their actions could impact the club’s security.

By adopting these best practices, organizations can mitigate cyber-attack risks and protect their valuable data and systems. By prioritizing cybersecurity at all levels, organizations can ensure they are taking a proactive approach to safeguard their sensitive data and systems.
