A sunset over one of the three pyramids of Dashur in Egypt. (Photo by Barry Iverson/Getty Images)
Last month, the COP27 conference, which brings together leaders from across the world to help solve global warming, took place in Egypt. The location was appropriate as Egypt is one of the countries predicted to struggle the most with climate change in the years ahead. An outcome of the conference was an agreement to create a fund to address losses and damage as emerging economies struggle to adapt to warmer temperatures. The details of the fund remain fuzzy and, if the past is any predictor, it probably won’t be enough to solve Egypt’s myriad climate-related challenges.
The effects of climate change are already being felt in Egypt and are predicted to grow more severe in the coming years. Problems include rising sea levels, increased water scarcity, and hits to the tourism industry as changing weather patterns take a toll on ancient landmarks.
Cyperaceae, a sedge plant commonly found in Egypt. Agriculture is likely to suffer in the years … [+]
The agricultural sector is likely to be particularly hard hit. Egypt is a predominantly desert country, and it relies heavily on the Nile River for its water needs. A recent report issued by the Cyprus Institute predicted the Nile delta region could see staggering temperature increases of up to 5 degrees Celsius
Roughly 25 percent of the delta region is at or below sea level. As sea levels rise, coastal areas and river deltas could become submerged, leading to the loss of valuable agricultural land. Of particular concern is the salinization of the soil, which can make it difficult to grow crops, reducing farmers’ incomes and having a negative impact on the country’s food security.
Another problem is pests. Armyworms, for example, are destroying corn crops and the increased use of pesticides to combat them can pose problems for human health and also poison soil and water, affecting future crop yields.
Historic sites like the tomb of Tutankhamun are suffering erosion due to changing weather patterns. … [+]
Egypt’s tourism industry is not immune either. Stronger rainstorms, along with high levels of human traffic, are causing historic sites to erode more quickly. It’s taking a toll on some of Egypt’s most popular destinations, such as King Tut’s tomb. According to one recent article, “Water and salt are the enemy for these monuments.”
In response to these challenges, the Egyptian government is taking several steps. Its parliament ratified the Paris climate agreement in 2017. The country has a National Climate Change Strategy, which includes plans for improving water management, protecting coastal areas, and enhancing food security. The government has also launched a “Two is Enough” initiative, a family planning program intended to encourage couples to have no more than two children, thereby reducing population growth.
In a positive development, COP27 countries have agreed to contribute to a new climate fund. However, rich countries have already broken a pledge to provide $100 billion a year to developing countries for climate projects. Concrete actions, more than vague promises, are what is needed, and these remain scarce. Meanwhile, the struggles of countries like Egypt continue and indeed grow with time.
Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/jamesbroughel/2022/12/07/cop27-is-over-but-egypts-climate-struggles-are-just-beginning/