Girls Who Code has launched GirlJams, a unique program that fosters interest in artificial intelligence among young girls and non-binary individuals. This initiative responds to the disparity revealed in a recent survey: while 54 percent of men use AI, only 35 percent of women do. GirlJams, developed in partnership with Mojo Supermarket and Buttermax, presents an accessible and engaging path into the world of AI through the creative process of songwriting.Interactive learning through songwritingGirlJams offers a hands-on experience that demystifies AI for its users. Participants are invited to craft a song from start to finish, engaging with various aspects of AI technology. The process begins with inputting a prompt for the lyrics, selecting a musical genre, the song’s “feel,” and choosing a visual style for the album artwork. This journey introduces users to basic AI concepts and incorporates prompt engineering tips, enhancing their understanding of how AI operates.This project leverages ChatGPT for lyric creation and Stable Diffusion for generating song artwork, illustrating practical applications of these tools in a creative setting. Despite the ongoing legal challenges facing Stable Diffusion, particularly regarding mimicking artistic styles, these tools represent the cutting edge of AI’s intersection with creativity.Addressing gender disparity in AIThe significance of GirlJams extends beyond its educational value. A recent New York Times article highlighted the lack of female representation among AI creators, underscoring a broader issue of gender disparity in the tech field. GirlJams seeks to rectify this by sparking interest and providing foundational AI knowledge among a traditionally underrepresented demographic in this area.Tarika Barrett, CEO of Girls Who Code, emphasizes the importance of diversity in technology, particularly as AI is still in its developmental stages. She points out the historical consequences of a homogeneous tech industry, including bias and ineffective products. GirlJams, therefore, is not just an educational tool but a strategic move to prevent similar issues in the burgeoning field of AI.A fun and accessible approach to AIThe creation of GirlJams was driven by the recognition that young students might be aware of AI tools like ChatGPT and Stable Diffusion but lack a compelling reason to engage with them. Namwan Leavell, senior copywriter at Mojo Supermarket, highlights the goal of making AI learning enjoyable and accessible. The project is designed to be an all-in-one experience that encourages participation while subtly imparting knowledge about AI tools in a relaxed setting.GirlJams stands as a testament to the potential of AI in reshaping educational methodologies. It moves away from traditional, often intimidating, approaches to tech education, opting for a method that blends learning with creativity and fun. This approach will likely resonate more with its target audience, fostering a genuine interest and understanding of AI.A step towards inclusive AIIn summary, GirlJams is a groundbreaking initiative that targets a crucial issue in the tech world: the gender gap in AI. Presenting AI in a creative and user-friendly format aims to attract a more diverse group of future technologists. The project’s success could have far-reaching implications, not only in terms of increasing female participation in AI but also in shaping a more inclusive future for technology as a whole. GirlJams is a bold step towards ensuring that women are not just consumers of AI technology but active creators and shapers of its future.