Citi, Wellington Management, & WisdomTree explore private market tokenization

Citi announced that it has successfully conducted the Proof-of-Concept on the tokenization of private funds. The feat has been achieved in association with Wellington Management and WisdomTree, adding that PoC was done on the Avalanche Spruce institutional test subnet.The capabilities of smart contracts have been shown to provide operational efficiency and functionality that conventional assets can not yet offer.

Citi and its partners have hailed the development, for it brings these functionalities with lower risk and lower barriers, in line with prevailing regulations.

Citi has now successfully tested how to support clients issuing and accessing tokenized private assets. It ensures interoperability with traditional ecosystems and boosts operations in a scalable and controlled manner.

Nisha Surendran, the Emerging Solutions Lead for Citi Digital Assets, praised blockchain technology and smart contracts, claiming that they may improve rule enforcement at the infrastructure level, paving the door for the free movement of data and workflows with the asset. Nisha went on to say that they are primarily looking into the feasibility of introducing new operating models and creating efficiencies for the market as a whole.

Mark Garabedian from Wellington Management has acknowledged the contribution of the Avalanche Spruce test network. The Director of Digital Assets and Tokenization Strategy said that it has proven to be an ample technical sandbox environment where partners can come together and explore the true potential of blockchain technology.

Mark and his team are now looking forward to seeing how the current association rolls out in the future and are eager to continue joining hands with them in the times to come.

Maredith Hannon Sapp from WisdomTree believes in blockchain technology and how it can enable finance to become the industry’s future. The Head of Business Development & Digital Assets said that they are now exploring how smart contracts and blockchain technology can be used in on-chain transactions.

Proof-of-concept gained major recognition in this instance since it showcases the ability to explore tokenized funds’ transferability and compliance related to the market.

Citi plans on sticking to its risk appetite and goals in the pursuit of developing digital asset solutions. It will leverage the capabilities of shared technology and a common strategic approach. The basic idea is to enhance Citi’s products along with its services. This includes, with no limitations whatsoever, securities, trade, asset servicing, collateral mobility, and digital money.

The current development comes days after Citi announced that it would enhance ETF servicing capabilities in association with FIX API Connectivity. It helps authorized participants and clients gain efficiencies in an industry where growth continues to happen. Citi’s ETF services have been growing since 2014. They cover 12 global markets and have almost $555 billion in assets under administration.

Citi’s exploration of tokenization of the private market in association with Wellington Management and WisdomTree is now on the move.
