Cipholio Ventures announces partnership with Kadena

Cipholio Ventures has announced joining hands with Kadena to foster the development of blockchain technology. Both look forward to shaping the future of decentralization. Cipholio Ventures brings to the table its expertise in incubating several projects. Kadena, on the other hand, brings to the table Pact, the programming language that will remain at the center throughout the collaboration.

Cipholio Ventures will serve the projects well by mentoring them. Hence, becoming their first incubation partner. Kadena will grant access to its grantees to the market expertise of Cipholio Ventures, also enabling them to leverage scalable blockchain solutions while redefining decentralized tech utilization.

The partnership between Cipholio Ventures and Kadena has underlined the objectives that it will attempt to achieve. This includes:

  • Creation of cross-organizational Pact language
  • Sample code for the purpose of learning
  • MVPs

Moreover, the key objective is also to identify projects that will handle the implementation of superior blockchain infrastructure by Kadena.

Moving forward, all the projects incubated by Cipholio Ventures for Kadena will explore the possibilities of utilizing smart wallets and non-fungible tokens with real-world utilities, including, but not limited to, event ticketing & equity.

Kadena will incentivize innovation by extending grants to projects. The only condition is that they must meet the criteria set out by both – Cipholio Ventures and Kadena – under the partnership. While a lot has been said about what partners will bring to the table, the fact cannot be ignored that it largely benefits Kadena by having a bigger focus on Pact.

Cipholio Ventures and Kadena will basically grow the partnership to develop and instill the knowledge around Kadena’s Pact.

Projects to get onboarded are proof-of-concept and demos. These will be building, or rather reshaping, the future to help developers utilize Pact to their benefit. Once utilized, the projects would be available to be deployed on any layer-1 in the days to come.

Defined as a robust program, Cipholio Ventures has said in the announcement that they will also look to grow the ecosystem by attracting a pool of talent and promoting development via cutting-edge technology. Sounds cliche, but Cipholio Ventures and Kadena seem pretty serious about the goal.

Events are being planned, Cipholio Ventures highlighting that hackathons will be held across the ecosystem. This will kick off the adoption of blockchain technology while spreading the good word about collaboration and knowledge-sharing.

This is not the first time that Cipholio Ventures has partnered with a venture to boost its adoption. It previously joined hands with Animoca Brands and Cointelegraph Accelerator to host Demo Day. The event was a success since it landed the hype of nurturing the projects in their endeavor to launch something breakthrough. It revolved around Web3 and blockchain.

Another partnership of Cipholio Ventures that did rounds was the one with Blocklike. The partnership was with the objective of making available the Web3 Learning Module to crypto talents.

Simply put, the partnership between Cipholio Ventures and Kadena is not new, but it is worth noting that the ultimate objective has remained unchanged.
