China’s Intricate Influence on Shaping Global AI Governance is the New Normal

In the ever-evolving realm of artificial intelligence, the next six months stand as a critical juncture in determining the collaborative future of the West and China in regulating the swiftly advancing technology. The intricacies of this global discourse become particularly fascinating when examining China’s distinctive approach compared to the U.S. and EU. 

As the world grapples with the profound implications of frontier AI models on national security, a watershed moment unfolded at the U.K. AI Safety Summit, sparking intense discussions on the inclusion of China in crafting the regulatory framework for advanced AI systems.

Beijing’s distinctive generative AI regulation

Delving into the past six months, China emerges as a regulatory trailblazer in the realm of generative artificial intelligence. While the U.S. and EU grapple with the complexities of sweeping regulations, China has chosen a nuanced path, constructing a set of tools. This approach is a departure from the European Union’s AI Act and the U.S. emphasis on national security. 

China’s focus extends from scrutinizing the validity of input data to navigating the political correctness of outputs. The Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) spearheads this intricate regulatory dialogue, evolving into the country’s default generative AI regulator. 

Chinese tech giants such as Alibaba, Baidu, and Huawei, positioned as global leaders, continue to invest significantly in generative AI technology. The regulatory framework in China emphasizes the details—from content validity to data privacy and security—placing it at the forefront of AI governance. Analysts observe that Beijing’s strategy of delving into the intricacies of generative AI, scrutinizing everything from data accuracy to political implications, positions China at the forefront of AI regulation.

Within China, a robust internal debate ensues on which organizations should play a role in international discussions around AI governance. The Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST) advocates for technology development, while the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC), donning both government and Communist Party of China (CPC) hats, focuses on content, data privacy, and security. 

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) and the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) also play significant roles in overseeing various aspects of the technology industry and the AI stack. Amid these dynamics, the release of the Global AI Governance Initiative at the Belt and Road Forum signals Beijing’s high-level vision for international AI governance. This initiative, drafted by CAC and MoST, seeks to position China as a proponent of the Global South’s preferences on AI governance and challenges U.S. efforts to constrain technology supply through export controls.

Western focus on AI governance and national security

The dynamics of AI governance have undergone a seismic shift in the West, notably spearheaded by the Biden administration and the G7 Hiroshima process. The focal point has transitioned to so-called “frontier AI models” and the potential national security risks they pose. Initiatives such as the Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights, the White House Voluntary Commitments, and the executive order on Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence underscore a collective urgency in controlling the trajectory of next-generation AI systems. 

The European Union, while having devoted significant effort to an inclusive process leading to its AI Act, had to adapt rapidly to include generative AI in the legislation’s language. The Act now classifies AI systems into risk categories, focusing more on applications involving major national security risks than the term “frontier AI.” Western governments’ laser focus on national security implications reflects a paradigm shift in their approach to AI governance, moving beyond conventional regulatory frameworks.

The culmination of this paradigm shift played out at Bletchley Park, where the U.K. AI Safety Summit became a battleground for the inclusion of China in the global AI governance dialogue. The status of China, particularly whether to invite a Chinese delegation, sparked intense debates among ‘like-minded’ countries. While initially appearing to exclude the Chinese delegation, a strange compromise saw their inclusion in ministerial meetings but exclusion from the ‘like-minded’ discussions. 

The Bletchley Declaration, signed by China on Day One, and the subsequent joint agreement on government testing signed by major Western firms, exposed the intricacies of global AI governance dynamics. The absence of key Chinese AI companies, such as Huawei and Bytedance, from the Summit further complicates the narrative, leaving the world questioning China’s stance on international initiatives around AI development.

China’s role in reshaping global AI regulation

As the global discourse intensifies, a lingering question echoes: What role will China assume in shaping the future contours of AI governance? Recent developments at the U.K. AI Safety Summit, entwined with the intricacies of China’s participation and the Bletchley Declaration, underscore the complexity of integrating China into the evolving regulatory framework. 

The world now watches with bated breath as China navigates its internal debates, engaging in future international fora on AI governance. In the unfolding narrative leading to the South Korea summit over the next six months, China’s role will be pivotal, dictating the trajectory of global AI governance. Will Beijing contribute to a genuinely global consensus, or will geopolitical tensions impede a unified approach to AI governance? The answers may not just shape but redefine the very landscape of AI regulation on a global scale.
