Check Out ‘Superkiller’ The New Indie Comic Book From YouTuber Vito Gesualdi

The multiverse is getting too crowded, and if something doesn’t give, it could lead to a multiversal overload—and the mass destruction that follows. The only way to fix this dire outcome? Unplug some universes from the cosmic circuit board by sending agents to take out the primary hero of worlds scheduled for cancellation. This is all part of the Multiverse Reformatting Initiative, which has recruited agent Sam King, a hit-man on an impossible mission to take down 100 superheroes across 100 different universes before he can go home.

That’s the basic premise of Superkiller, a new comic book from comedian and YouTuber, Vito Gesualdi with artwork by lead artist Keder Lebeau. The project went live today on Indiegogo with a base goal of $10,000. The two-month campaign has already raised close to $8,000 at the time of publication.

Vito, who runs a popular YouTube channel and a podcast, is hitching his wagon to the rising indie comic scene, which he sees as more vibrant and open-minded than mainstream comics, which he argues have become stifled by political correctness and bland, uninspired stories.

“Writing and comedy are my two greatest passions, which is why I’m so upset to see just how bad mainstream entertainment has become,” he writes in the Indiegogo campaign. “These days it feels like writer’s rooms have been filled with people more interested in pushing their personal agenda than telling a great story, while the constantly evolving rules of political correctness have effectively killed off mainstream comedy, with studios and publishers too afraid of offending anyone to make media that is even the slightest bit edgy or subversive.”

He continues:

After decades of being on the outside, creators like myself finally have access to knowledge and tools that allow us to rival the mainstream media companies. Right now, independent creators are slowly taking over the world of books, movies, music, and more!

These traditional media publishers said there was no space for creators like us, so we’re taking their advice, and creating our own space! A space where we can tell the kind of stories we want to tell, no matter how much that upsets these mainstream gatekeepers.

Here’s the pitch video:

Backing the project starts at $25 for the First Edition (Cover A or B) and goes up from there, with a NSFW Cover C from Toshio Maeda, a Triple Pack and a Collector’s Edition which includes a lunch box and, in what I can only describe as a wildly nostalgic blast from the distant past, pogs—including a Superkiller slammer.

Stretch goals include Superkiller trading cards from various artists and backers can also add-on extras like autographs, plush toys and more.

It’s a cool premise and a nice way to support independent creators with unique voices and perspectives. I’m definitely excited to give this one a read. Check out the Indiegogo campaign right here.
