Chamath Palihapitiya Steps Down As Virgin Galactic Chairman

Updated at 9:38 am EST

Chamath Palihapitiya, the outspoken venture capitalist who fronted several special purpose acquisition companies at the peak of last year’s investment frenzy, will step down as chairman of Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic  (SPCE) – Get Virgin Galactic Holdings Inc Report spaceship group.

Palihapitiya, 45, will leave the group immediately, the company said Friday, and will be replaced by Evan Lovell on an interim basis. 

Palihapitiya, who is also a part owner of the NBA’s Golden State Warriors, brought yet another SPAC deal — video game specialists Akili Interactive — to market only last month. He also courted controversy earlier this year when he told Jason Calacanis’s ‘All-In” podcast that the internationally-recognized mistreat of Muslim Uyghurs by the Chinese government was something that “nobody cares about”. 
