CCP Games raises $40M & welcomes an all-new AAA game

CCP Games has been able to successfully raise a funding amount to the tune of $40 million. This will fully provide them with the opportunity to be in a position of being able to create a new and extremely innovative AAA title with the effective usage of blockchain technology. This will happen to be positioned inside the Eve Universe. 

The research and development team at CCP Games has, for a while now, been actively engaged in preparation for it. The funding was led by Andreessen Horowitz, along with makers Fund, BITKRAFT, as well as Kingsway Capital and HASHED, Nexon, and some of the other associates of the entity. Incidentally, CCP Games happen to be the builders of the sci-fi space-oriented MMO, EVE Online. 

According to the CEO of CCP Games, Hilmar Veigar Petursson, it has always been the company’s aim and intention to build worlds that happen to be more effective than the real-time worlds.

In his opinion, with the help of the enhancements that have been carried out in blockchain technology, it will now be absolutely possible to be able to come up with a fresh universe wherein gamers will be witnessing an entirely different experience. This funding amount will now help push them in the right and intended direction, having completed thirty years of working on its areas of expertise. 

Furthermore, this project will help in getting the desired advantages like composability, persistence, and other such aspects. With the doors opening wide for making it possible to be able to create high-quality games on-chain, this very project, which happens to be very much on the anvil, will be utilizing smart-contract blockchain technology. This will, in turn, be instrumental in effectively bridging the virtual world with all of the connected gamers and the ones who are inclined to connect. 

As per Jonathan Lai, who happens to be a general partner, CCP Games happens to be a leader and beginner in terms of virtual worlds, as well as digital economies, and they have been at it for the last 25 years. They are indeed masters of their field and profession and have been consistently delivering games par excellence.

According to the Makers fund principal, Alli Ottarsson, EVE happens to be an integral part of blockchain gaming. Therefore, they happened to be pleased about the fact that CCP Games has taken it upon itself to further the EVE Universe. BITKRAFT Ventures Partner Carlos Pereira also happens to be very enthusiastic about the ways and means the utilization of the blockchain is about to take place.    
