(Photo by John Stillwell – PA Images/PA Images via Getty Images)
Some time ago, I visited Nordstrom in Seattle to visit management. During a tour through the store, I was casually made aware of a ladies shoe salesman who had a list of customers that he called when new shoes arrived or a sale was about to break. He was one of the top producers in the shoe department. He had list of customers, and each name had an annotation of preferences. Certain shoes probably never made it to the selling floor because he had a chance to speak to his customers about the fabulous new buys.
The veteran salesman would work longer hours in the store, because his calls promised sales and commission for him.
Fast forward – can this salesman work at home and produce the sales volume that Nordstrom is expecting him to produce? Probably not. He needs to be on the selling floor to convince his customers of the quality, look and fit of each shoe he is trying to sell.
There is a debate right now whether the pandemic has forced a different attitude. Remote work has become the standard for many, many people in industries from health care to education and even real estate. Real estate agents are showing homes remotely, yet open house showings still help sell homes and properties.
Just like in the shoe business, people want to see properties and homes before making a lifetime decision. So, the real estate agent is on the phone and also scrambling to keep in person appointments.
There is a debate whether retail stores can allow their associates to work from home. However, retailing faces a greater challenge because much of the sector still needs that one-to-one personal interaction.
In brick and mortar stores a top saleslady can sell fashion to the unfashionable, because he or she has developed trust on the selling floor. The children’s wear salesperson has kids of her own and truly likes kids. Therefore, she can sell children’s apparel to young kids who do not want to be buying clothes.
Stores often rely on their top sales associates to shape the look of a department and ultimately sell the right look to the right person at the right time. The experience and relationships that lead to successful selling are learned and executed on the selling floor.
Some retailers are testing livestream from remote locations, and they have videos to describe the feel and fit of a garment.
Retailers also embracing influencers and Neiman Marcus is piloting a program to formalize the social media content processes for style advisors. In every case where style advisors are enlightened about the merchandise they are highlighting, they become strong advocate for that product. However, it still remains up to the salesperson to clinch the sale and bring honey back home.
Sure, there can be ways to reduce the selling cost in brick & mortar stores. Self-check-out, that was started in food stores will migrate to general merchandise stores. Salespersons with the customer’s phone numbers might get one day a week to stay home and make phone-calls and appointments for customers to come to the store. Or maybe there will be a dedicated space in the store to make the calls.
POSTSCRIPT: The labor shortage, evident last Christmas when retailers could not find enough qualified salespeople is forcing retailers to find new ways to take care of customers. New technology with AI will help. However, the selling has to be done by men and women who inspire trust, confidence and who display intimate knowledge of the merchandise management has entrusted them to sell.
Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/walterloeb/2022/03/14/can-store-associates-work-at-home/