Darren Woods, CEO of ExxonMobil, and US Senator Joe Manchin, Democrat from West Virginia, speak … [+]
One recent story that probably should have received more attention comes from remarks made by ExxonMobil
An Ambitious Goal
It’s an ambitious goal, one that could, if successful, essentially result in a second shale revolution in the United States. Woods’s internal challenge came in the wake of the plan announced last December to increase the company’s overall production in the prolific Permian Basin to 1 million barrels of oil equivalent per day (Mmboepd) by the end of 2024. That plan envisioned production growth of 9-11 percent in 2023, with most of that being accomplished through the drill bit.
Woods said his plan for per-well recoveries via technology advances would initially derive from deployment of longer horizontal laterals in each wellbore, along with the deployment of tech that is better able to hold the fractures created by the hydraulic fracturing job for longer periods of time, thus allowing more of the oil trapped in the underground shale to flow to the surface.
Pump trucks feed into a network of pipes near six Chevron Corp. oil wells being readied for … [+]
Hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” is the long-used technology involving forcing a mixture of water, chemicals and sand or other proppant into the shale rock thousands of feet below ground using an array of surface pumps. The mixture of frac fluid breaks up the rock into thousands of fractures, leaving the sand or other proppant inside the fractures to hold them open and allow the oil and natural gas to flow to the surface.
It’s a technique first used in the late 1940s to increase production from the conventional, vertical wells being drilled at the time. In the late 1990s, Mitchell Energy is widely credited with developing the method of combining a high pressure frac job with horizontal drilling to be enable it to recover oil and natural gas from the very dense shale rock, a discovery that created a revolution in the U.S. oil and gas industry.
Impressive Growth In Shale Production
In September, 2008, overall U.S. crude oil production reached a modern low level of just 3.974 Mmbopd. But in March of this year, the most recent month reported by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), U.S. production came in at 12.696 Mmbopd. In the same month, oil production in the state of Texas, where most of the Permian Basin lies, was 4.397 Mmbopd, with the vast majority of it derived from the Permian and Eagle Ford Shale basins, per the Texas Railroad Commission.
The EIA estimates that roughly 66% of overall domestic crude production, or about 8.4 Mmbopd, is derived from shale, with the remaining third coming from other unconventional formations like coal seams, along with conventional rocks. Thus, development of technologies that would result in a doubling of per-well recoveries would provide a major boost not only for ExxonMobil, but also for the other shale producers, which would inevitably find ways to adopt the new tech for their own operations.
Woods pointed out in his comments that his company and others are able to recover only about 10% of the available oil and gas in the ground with the initial frac job on each well, leaving the vast preponderance of the production still trapped in the rock. So there is no doubt the desired additional production is technically available if effective recovery techniques can be developed.
In addition to the potential for new, better tech to deploy in new drills, there is also the potential for going back into existing wellbores and performing secondary fracs. Producers in Texas and other states are exploring this possibility, and some mounted an effort to pass legislation in the just-ended Texas session this year to enact a tax incentive to encourage such projects. That bill was rejected, but such concepts are seldom successful in their initial effort.
The Bottom Line
In pursuing this strategy, Woods and his staff will of course need to address issues surrounding water usage, recycling and conservation, emissions footprints and other ESG-related matters. But dealing with these issues has become just the normal course of the business now, and shale companies have proven nimble and adept at satisfying them.
Per-well recoveries in U.S. shale have risen steadily over the course of the 15 years since the initial discovery of the Eagle Ford Shale in late 2008. Whether ExxonMobil will succeed in doubling them again in just five years remains to be seen, but if my 44 years connected with the industry have taught me one thing, it is not to doubt this industry’s ability to meet even the most ambitious new challenges.
Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidblackmon/2023/06/20/can-exxonmobil-lead-a-second-shale-revolution/