Can AI “Peer Bots” Replace UK Politicians? Chilling Scenarios in the UK House of Lords

In the realm of politics, the concept of replacing politicians with artificial intelligence (AI) has been a topic of debate, with potential “Peer Bots” looming large in the background, particularly in the UK House of Lords. While some fear the impending AI takeover, experts believe that the British sense of legacy and the importance of human discourse in decision-making will likely delay the adoption of AI in politics or the replacement of politicians by peer bots.

House of Lords’ tradition and advisory role

The House of Lords, historically characterized by hereditary membership until 1999, serves as an advisory body to the elected House of Commons, responsible for debates and policymaking in the United Kingdom.

During a recent House of Lords debate on the impact of AI on the job market, Richard Denison, the 9th Baron Londesborough, delivered a chilling prophecy, expressing concerns that AI might soon learn to replicate human speech styles flawlessly. This scenario raises questions about the potential replacement of politicians with AI “peer bots” possessing deeper knowledge, higher productivity, and lower running costs.

The Debate on AI and Journalism

Another peer, Charles Colville, experimented with using ChatGPT, a large language model, to write a speech about the threat AI poses to journalism. His fears mirrored those of many, believing that an AI-dominated landscape could strip news of its human elements, making it less relatable and impactful.

Despite concerns about AI’s potential to replace humans, it is essential to understand that AI technology has existed for years, as evidenced by programs like Siri. However, the current large language models, such as ChatGPT, represent a significant leap in AI capabilities.

AI and human-like behavior of “Peer Bots”

The ultimate goal of AI is to achieve human-like behaviors that pass the “imitation game,” where a person cannot distinguish between conversing with a machine or a human. While AI has access to extensive data on politicians’ speeches and ideas, it is still limited in its ability to create new content. AI primarily assembles information and makes inferences based on existing data.

The ability of AI to replicate politicians’ thoughts and ideas with near perfection raises concerns about the future of advisory bodies like the House of Lords. However, several issues, including legal requirements, constitutional obligations, and the complexity of political decisions, are likely to delay AI adoption in politics.

The British sense of legacy and human discourse

One key factor that might deter the rapid adoption of AI in politics is the British sense of legacy. Tradition holds significant value for the British, and the political theater, or discourse, is deeply embedded in their political culture. This emphasis on human interaction and decision-making rituals makes it challenging for AI to replace the role of politicians.

In addition to tradition, the complexities of political decision-making pose a significant challenge for AI integration. Politicians are accountable to their constituents, and the lobbying and deal-making involved in governance require human involvement and negotiation skills.

While AI technology continues to advance, the replacement of politicians with AI remains a distant prospect, especially in a political landscape like the House of Lords. The British people’s respect for tradition, the importance of human discourse, and the complexities of governance are likely to drive a gradual and cautious approach to AI adoption in politics. For now, the focus remains on aiding humans to make better decisions while preserving the principles of accountability and human-driven governance.
