Starting in September, Bitget (BGB) made some changes. It now requires all new users to complete identity verification during registration. Existing traders who have not completed KYC yet will have until December 15, 2023, to do so. This move is part of Bitget’s continuous efforts to ensure a secure and regulated trading environment for its users worldwide.
Bitget Aims to Enhance Security
Bitget Exchange has implemented KYC requirements to enhance security and compliance for its traders. The KYC information collected by the compliance team will be used to identify customers and assess their risk profiles, in line with global and regional financial regulations aimed at combating money laundering and illegal financing.
Verified users can access all Bitget products and services including derivatives trading, P2P trading, copy trading, dual investment, and smart trends. Verified users also enjoy high withdrawal limits of up to $3 Million a day and can participate in exclusive Bitget events to earn unique rewards.
The Levels of Verification
Bitget has employed Level 1 and Level 2 KYC verifications, granting access to a range of services including earning, spot trading, copy trading, and launchpad. Since September, all new sign-ups must complete Level 1 KYC to access Bitget services. Moreover, if users sign up before September 1st and don’t complete the verification process by December, they will only be able to do a few things on the platform.
The limited processes include withdrawing money or closing the account. The non-KYC users won’t be able to do everything else. In addition to this, they will be restricted from creating new trading orders. Looking ahead, Bitget plans to double its efforts on compliance to further instill trust and confidence from users across the globe.
Prediction of BGB Coin Price
At the press time, the BGB coin price is trading at the level of $0.533 after coming above the major resistance level of $0.478. This resistance has now become its support level. The new immediate resistance level is at $0.571 and then at $0.620. The RSI, on the other hand, is indicating strength in the bullish position as it is on the level of 62 which is near the oversold level of 70.
On the other hand, the 50-day EMA which is at $0.481 has made a bullish crossover with the 150-day EMA at $0.454. Therefore, the price prediction from here will be bullish as the moving averages and the RSI are giving a bullish signal.
Bitget (BGB) now requires all new users to complete identity verification during registration. The community has made these changes to enhance the privacy and security of the platform. The BGB coin price is on an uptrend and the indicators are suggesting a “buy” signal.
Technical Levels
- Support Levels: $0.478 and $0.403
- Resistance Levels: $0.571 and $0.620
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