Block Sizes will increase the network’s block size by 11%

  • The blockchain load reached over 93 percent seven days ago, raising fears among users about impending network congestion.
  • To avoid this, Input-Output (IOHK), the development firm behind Cardano, has recommended increasing the network’s block size by 11%.

Cardano’s new projects

Cardano has recently witnessed an increase of new projects launched on the blockchain, making it critical that it can process more transactions and handle more traffic as the network’s projects develop.

In addition to the proposed increase in block size, the Plutus memory limit would be increased to 14 million units each transaction, up from 12.5 million units per transaction now. The most recent increase in the Plutus memory limit occurred in January.

The network’s block size by 11%

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Following a rise in use and blockchain project advancements, Cardano almost hit its processing capacity last week. 

To avoid this, Input-Output (IOHK), the development firm behind Cardano, has recommended increasing the network’s block size by 11%. When implemented, Cardano capacity will rise from 72KB to 80KB – an 8KB increase in block size. Cardano’s “Plutus script memory by units per transaction ” will also be increased from 12.5M to 14M, according to IOHK.

In the meantime, the planned modifications can help prevent network congestion. With additional projects launched, there might be a huge rise in blockchain load, as well as “around highly-anticipated new DApp releases and massive NFT dumps.” As a result, according to IOHK, Cardano will continue to undergo a series of improvements.

Later this year, the business will disclose the roadmap for the Ethereum killer’s ‘Basho’ scaling phase, a big update that will increase the network’s overall capacity.

The update suggestions, according to IOHK, will be deployed on Friday at the border of epoch 319. These improvements will collectively strengthen and improve the Cardano blockchain, increasing its ability to handle more transactions and improving the DApp user experience.

Cardano and its competitors

Cardano has made a concerted effort to position itself as a more secure blockchain than its competitors. However, the blockchain faced serious difficulty when SundaeSwap and CardStarter, both built on Cardano, were entangled in a violent public social media fight, with each project accusing the other of unfulfilled promises, foul play, and even attempting to stage a rug pull event.

The debate was published, much to the chagrin of the Cardano community, and was significant enough to merit a strong punishment from Cardano creator Charles Hoskinson.
