Blast founder defends platform against ponzi scheme claims

Tieshun Roquerre, the founder of the newly launched cryptocurrency platform Blast, has recently addressed several misconceptions surrounding the project. In a detailed statement, Roquerre sought to clarify comparisons of Blast to a Ponzi scheme, a claim he firmly denies. He emphasized that Blast’s high yields, ranging from 4 to 5%, are sourced from reputable platforms such as Lido and MakerDAO. These yields, he explained, are a product of Ethereum’s staking rewards and on-chain T-Bills, positioning them as sustainable components of both on-chain and off-chain economies.

Launched in an invite-only early access mode, Blast has garnered significant attention, having raised $20 million from notable investors, including Paradigm and Standard Crypto. The platform boasts over $400 million in bridged assets, according to Dune Analytics. Roquerre also addressed the platform’s ‘Blast Points,’ a reward system designed to acknowledge users’ contributions to the ecosystem. He asserted that these rewards are not merely marketing tactics, but a strategic move to foster community growth.

Paradigm’s role and multisig security model

Contrary to circulating memes, Roquerre clarified that Paradigm, the crypto investment firm, had no involvement in Blast’s initial market strategy. However, post-launch, Paradigm suggested changes to the platform’s approach, which are currently under consideration. Roquerre highlighted that while the team values external input, the final decisions rest with Blast.

In response to criticisms regarding its security model, Blast revealed details about its multisig (multi-signature) system. Similar to other Layer 2 solutions like Arbitrum, Optimism, and Polygon, Blast uses a nuanced multisig model. This model involves each signing key being kept in cold storage, managed by independent entities spread across various locations. The signers, described as deeply technical engineers with experience in high-stakes applications, ensure the platform’s security integrity.

Acknowledging the spectrum of security challenges, Blast explained that while immutable smart contracts are perceived as secure, they can harbor undetectable bugs. Conversely, upgradeable smart contracts pose their own risks, such as token-gated upgrades and timelocks susceptible to exploitation. To mitigate these risks, Blast plans to diversify its hardware wallet providers and avoid reliance on a single type of hardware wallet.

Future outlook and industry impact

Blast’s launch and subsequent clarifications have stirred significant interest in the cryptocurrency industry. The platform’s innovative approach to yield generation and community engagement, coupled with a robust security model, positions it as a notable entrant in the burgeoning field of crypto finance.

As the platform navigates its early stages, the cryptocurrency community and investors will closely monitor its progress and impact. Blast’s commitment to transparency and security, as well as its strategic approach to market entry and growth, may set a precedent for upcoming projects in the crypto space.
