President Joe Biden spent the better part of his highly anticipated Thursday night speech railing against “MAGA Republicans” in front of supporters in Philadelphia, portraying his darkest view yet of former President Donald Trump and his followers.
President Joe Biden speaks outside Independence Hall on Thursday in Philadelphia. (AP Photo/Evan … [+]
Key Facts
Biden used the phrase “MAGA Republicans” over and over to refer to former President Donald Trump and his hardline supporters, calling them dangerous authoritarians hell-bent on overthrowing democracy, even if that means resorting to violence.
He also called out Trump supporters for what he called “blind loyalty to a single leader,” remarking that “too much of what is happening in our country today is not normal.”
But he stressed that he believes the country can overcome what he called the “fear, division and darkness” taking hold by embracing “the willingness to see each other not as enemies but as fellow Americans.”
Biden spoke for roughly 20 minutes outside Independence Hall, but protesters with a bullhorn made noise throughout, which the president remarked about on multiple occasions.
Much of it was faint to television audiences, but microphones did pick up chants of “let’s go Brandon” several times, a popular stand in for the more vulgar “f—- Joe Biden.”
The president acknowledged the protesters to seemingly bolster his point about democracies, saying “they’re entitled to be outrageous—this is a democracy.”
Crucial Quote
“Throughout our history, Americans have often made the greatest progress coming out of some of our darkest moments, like you’re hearing from that bullhorn,” Biden said.
Key Background
Biden officials spent days hyping up his primetime speech in Philadelphia, naming the address the “battle for the soul of the nation.” The speech is the second from Biden in Pennsylvania in just over a week, and comes at a time of surging approval ratings for the president as campaign season enters its final stretch ahead of the November midterms. Biden emphatically denounced the Trump wing of the GOP in both addresses, using last week’s speech to slam Republicans who defend January 6 rioters as anti-police.
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) gave his own speech prior to Biden’s, where he blasted the president as someone who has “chosen to divide, demean and disparage his fellow Americans.” He called on Biden to apologize for his recent remark equating “MAGA” beliefs with “semi-fascism.”
Further Viewing
Further Reading
McCarthy calls on Biden to apologize for ‘semi-fascism’ remark (The Hill)
Biden outlines gun crime plan, denounces GOP over Jan. 6 in Pennsylvania speech (CBS News)
Biden’s Approval Rating Surges After Series Of Unexpected Wins (Forbes)