Best Freelance Job for Beginners

Nine-to-five. Fixed wages. One boss. Back-breaking work. It must be tiring to put in so much work and having a fixed ‘cut’ regardless of the income generated by your work. Most white-collar jobs employees wish there was a way they could make some extra bucks without jeopardizing their ‘safety net’. Or maybe they just want to give it up for an easier, less externally dictated life. Better still, they have probably gotten the “crypto fever” eventually after hearing how much people earn from doing ‘crypto jobs’ and they just seek the best ways to earn in crypto

Most times, no one likes a horrible boss breathing down their necks from Nine-to-Five; or  worse, the rigours of everyday shuttling to work, just to earn a salary at the end of the month. There are always chances for side incomes and hustles by the side but what skills do you actually possess? Do you have a skill that is valuable and worth a good amount of money to a willing employer? That’s where Freelance jobs come in. 

In this article, you will find salient tips on the different freelance jobs for beginners that will pay you handsomely, while giving you the opportunity to negotiate your pay and best of all, do it from the comfort of your home.

1. Writing

Basically, this is the one of the most viable means of kickstarting your career as a freelancer. As a matter of fact, most freelancers today started their freelancing journey with the dexterous skill of conjuring words for articles and blogs.

The good thing about writing is that there are different niches that you could carve out for yourself – there’s content writing, professional writing and copywriting. Content writing involves writing blog posts, product descriptions, and websites posts for firms, along the areas of their technical expertise. Professional writing has to do with delivering proposals, articles and other technical/ academic essays for clients in exchange for payments.  Copywriting involves writing about a product in such a way that it attracts the attention of customers to purchase the product. Surveys show that a lot of persons started their bitcoin careers from copywriting – after writing about a coin, they get paid in cryptocurrency. 

If you’re looking to start out and you have an above-decent writing skill, freelance writing is really worth giving a shot. There are so many sites where you can meet people interested in engaging writers for a considerable fee payment. 

2. Tutor Online

Becoming an online tutor is another very interesting and easy way to start out a freelancing career. This is just like regular teaching; only without the stress of commuting and better pay. If you are proficient in any subject, ranging from Math to English to Science, amongst others, you should really take advantage of this. It is important to state here that languages are the easiest and most in-demand areas along with examinations prep. Professional examinations (like ACCA, CFA) and other examinations (like the SATs, LSATs) also have a high demand. You can set your rate per hour or negotiate a standard fee; whatever works for you. There are quite a number of platforms on which you can register to become a tutor. The way it works is that you usually sign up, scout the customary rate and set yours a bit lower to attract clients and get better ratings. The more work you do, the higher your opportunities of charging higher for your services. 

3. Social Media Management

It is common knowledge that social media is the new “streets” and profiles are the resume used there. This has ensured that a lot of businesses are in search for active social media managers. If you love tweeting, posting pictures, making cheeky and witty posts, why not monetize this skill?  A number of these opportunities are posted on LinkedIn pages of the firms. Search for them and speak to them. It is also important that you attach a link to your social media page to convince them. This is a really good one as you could handle the pages of different firms at a time and earn as much as you want.  

4.  Graphic Designing

Branding is one of the most important aspects of businesses and advertising today. You can get a good brand without good designs. This simple truth has made graphic designers one of the most in-demand freelancers today. From website posts, to album covers, to other watermarked social media posts, graphic designers have proven to be an integral part of today’s advertising. Due to this fact, coupled with the expenses that will be incurred by firms in getting a graphic designer of their own, organizations are more interested in retaining the service of graphic designers. You can start out by learning graphic designing on youtube as it is really just digital art. You can then search for available remote gigs and apply attaching examples of previous work done. This pays really well. 

5. Virtual Assistance

This is another very exciting job and also doesn’t require much skills. If you are already an admin assistant, you could give up that back-breaking arrangement for a more flexible and better paying one. With the way it works, it is not necessary for you to be in the same location with the executive or other person you intend to work for. This is because most of your job as a freelance virtual assistant would involve scheduling, meetings, travels and other administrative activities. You can agree on a flexible time situation that allows you to work for different persons almost simultaneously. There is a trend where people who specialize in freelance crypto trading hire virtua assistance to help with scheduling, amongst others.

6. Data Entry

Another easy, yet rewarding freelancing niche available for beginners is the Data entry job. Companies are in need of people to get, collate and transfer information from one source to another. Activities like the transcription of audio books and materials into a word document, creating a spreadsheet inventory for the use of a company, amongst others are various ways in which one can   make money via data entry. If you are able to concentrate for long hours, you can make decent money. You can charge per hour per entry or whatever other way you agree with the client while working for other clients.

Bottom Line 

It is without doubt that this article has validly, albeit succinctly, exposed your mind to the possibilities of freelance earning and its immeasurable benefits. The advent of the Internet has made earning a little bit easier and remote work is quickly becoming a major choice for most persons who seek to earn good income while doing what they are good at. 

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