BashoSwap CIO Ethernal in an Exclusive Interview with CryptoNewsZ

Hello Ethernal! It’s absolutely a pleasure to interview one of the most dynamic & successful entrepreneurs in a highly competitive crypto market.

Q1. Hello and welcome to CryptoNewsZ, Ethernal; our readers would love to know more about your extensive career and BashoSwap?

Hello Guys, It’s a pleasure being here.

Let me Start by Introducing myself.

I am the Chief Information Officer of BashoSwap, a decentralized AMM & developed for the Cardano ecosystem.

BashoSwap to a layman would be explained as an exchange like Binance, Coinbase, but in this case, for Cardano tokens. Users can trade their ADA-based cryptocurrencies without needing an intermediary or a middleman, as the trades will be handled by a smart contract with preset rules.

Q2. Your latest project has sparked quite an interest in the market, do you mind sharing its advantages to the current ecosystem?

For now, our main focus is to focus on building dapps and protocols that would revolutionize the Cardano ecosystem.

We also intend to develop a sidechain DEX that will Run on Milkomeda, which is EVM compatible, as more projects from EVM blockchains will soon start bridging to Cardano from other blockchains to utilize the low fees of the Cardano blockchain.

Q3. What’s the story behind the immensely successful BashoSwap project? We are very keen to know its journey and the key strengths behind its success!

Basho Swap was founded by a like-minded group of development experts like myself, and over the course of two months, we have been able to onboard more project advisors, partners, and smart contract developers with years of experience in the cryptocurrency sector to help in actualizing and shipping the innovative products we have lined up.

Q4. NFT is one of the hottest and most sought-after topics in the blockchain space right now. Can you share your opinion on NFT with us? Do you think NFT will disrupt the current financial system? What is Your project’s approach to the NFT sector?

Yes, NFTs recently have been proven to be more than just a store of value in the form of digital ART, we are exploring unique use Cases for the BashoSwap DAO governance which will fuse NFTs and $BASH Native Tokens To Create A Self Sustaining Ecosystem

$Bash token is the underlying utility token that would power the BashoSwap ecosystem and would have multiple cases like Staking, providing liquidity, Access to the Basho Governance, Yield Farming and so much more.

A private sale whitelist for early adopters is currently ongoing. Interested users who want to join the Bash Token Private sale first can whitelist using this link.

2nd session

Question 1

Do the token holders have the right to participate in the governance of the project? On what kind of decisions can they vote on about the project? And do you have any plans to create other features? Maybe yield farm, stake, or NFT project? Can you explain in more detail?

Yes, token holders can be able to participate in the Bashoswap DAO governance.

We have a lot of exciting products that we will be launching. On the Cardano Main-net soon.

Some of them include


CNT Locking & LP Lock

NFT Governance

Question 2

Can you tell us about the fees in some of the transactions on the @basho_swap platform, especially with any trading? How are the fees compared to other DEX exchanges, especially with some of the major exchanges in the market?

Currently, it costs about 8 dollars to make a token swap on the Ethereum Blockchain, but on Cardano, it’s just a fraction of that.

They are coupled with the fact that our transaction fees will be lower than that of any Cardano DEX.

Question 3

$Bash will be the native Utility token of the BashoSwap platform with several utilities. With the plan to evolve into DAO, I believe $BASH holders will have a vote on the decisions. So, what is the minimum $BASH needed for voting, And what are the benefits of holding more $BASH?

Yes, basho will be used for the Governance, but it will work in a unique way which would involve merging the Bash Tokens with Bash DAO NFTs to be able to vote on Proposals.

Holding More Bash will give you the privilege to mint a higher Ranked Governance DAO NFT, which will give your Proposal more weighting or Vote Power, as the Case May Be.

Question 4

Marketing is a central element of every project, so that everyone knows the potential that a project can bring is vital to achieving the goals set. What is the @basho_swap strategy to attract new users and investors to your project and keep them long-term?

Yes, we are aware that Good marketing and project planning strategies are pivotal to the growth of any crypto Project.

We have a huge marketing allocation that would plaster the bash-swap brand as the Leading Cardano project and also be able to create enough awareness of the innovative products that we are developing.
