Australian Minister Calls Don Jr. A ‘Big Baby’ After He Cancels Speaking Tour To Country


A senior Australian minister hit out at Donald Trump Jr. and called him a “big baby” in a series of now-deleted tweets after the former President’s son reportedly canceled a speaking event in the country over what the organizers of the event alleged were visa issues created by the Australian government and “#CancelCulture.”

Key Facts

On Wednesday, the group “Turning Point Australia” announced on Facebook that its “Donald Trump Jr. Live!” event, which was set to take place on Sunday, has been postponed and implied this was a result of visa issues.

The group said it will reschedule the event to another date and wrote “it seems America isn’t the only country that makes it difficult for the Trumps,” adding the hashtag #CancelCulture.

Australia’s Home Minister Clare O’Neil pushed back against these claims on Twitter, saying Trump “didn’t get canceled” as he had been granted a visa—which Turning Point Australia said was a last-minute move that happened 24 hours before he was set to board his flight.

Calling Trump a “bit of sore loser,” O’Neil implied that the postponement was the former President’s son not drawing enough of a crowd, adding: “He’s just a big baby, who isn’t very popular.”

O’Neil’s tweets have since been deleted without comment.

Australia’s ruling Labor government has come under fire from conservative media outlets and politicians for the alleged visa issues, with some suggesting the move was political.

Crucial Quote

On Thursday, Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese commented on the controversy, saying: “Donald Trump Jr.’s visa was dealt with in the normal way and, like anyone else, he was entitled to come here. The deferral of his travel is a matter for him.”
