Artificial Intelligence to Become A Game-Changer for Energy Sector Predictive Maintenance

In a rapidly evolving energy landscape dominated by renewable sources, artificial intelligence (AI) is emerging as the linchpin for ensuring energy security and system efficiency. A recent report by GlobalData, the parent company of Energy Monitor, delves into the transformative potential of AI in the energy sector. The report underscores AI’s capacity to revolutionize predictive maintenance, fortify international energy security, and mitigate disruptions by identifying and preemptively resolving issues before they escalate.

A paradigm shift in AI-powered predictive maintenance

One of the pivotal roles AI will play in the energy sector is predictive maintenance. AI will leverage real-time data analysis, employing monitoring, thermographic, and analytical technologies to detect and rectify faults swiftly. This shift toward predictive AI promises to optimize resource management, enhance failure prevention measures, and bolster predictive analytics for renewable energy sources.

The report states, “Implementing AI in the energy sector will benefit resource management, failure prevention, and predictive analytics for renewables.” Furthermore, predictive AI is poised to enhance energy security by providing insights into sector fluctuations and minimizing the risk of unforeseen equipment failures.

Weathering the storm: Predictive AI for renewable energy

Predictive technology powered by AI will prove invaluable in assessing the impact of external factors, such as adverse weather conditions, on renewable energy sources. This capability is especially crucial as non-dispatchable resources exhibit fluctuations that can disrupt wholesale price predictions and necessitate predictive analytics to estimate output accurately. By doing so, AI will contribute to secure electricity transmission.

Moreover, AI’s ability to predict asset failures is expected to be a game-changer. Advanced algorithms will identify and flag potential asset issues by analyzing real-time sensor data, allowing for proactive maintenance and repairs before costly breakdowns occur.

AI’s role in hazard detection

The report also highlights the potential for AI in hazard detection within the energy industry. For instance, E.ON has already leveraged drones to capture images of power poles and lines, subsequently employing AI-driven inspection tools like Grid Vision to evaluate these images for maintenance purposes. This approach improves efficiency and keeps human lives out of harm’s way by reducing exposure to dangerous situations.

According to the report, “AI-powered systems can anticipate potential threats to energy supplies and proactively strategize solutions.” Furthermore, AI-driven energy management platforms will dynamically adjust energy production and distribution, effectively balancing the intermittency of renewables with the availability of traditional energy sources, thus ensuring a reliable and stable energy supply.

AI bridges the skills gap in an aging workforce

Beyond its contributions to energy security and efficiency, AI is poised to address some of the challenges the energy industry faces. One significant challenge is the aging workforce, as experts retire, leaving behind a potential skills gap. The report suggests AI can bridge this gap by organizing, storing, and retrieving valuable insights and experiences. It will enable the seamless knowledge transfer between retiring experts and new employees, ensuring that critical expertise is retained and passed on.

AI is poised to reshape the energy sector by optimizing predictive maintenance, enhancing energy security, and mitigating disruptions. By harnessing the power of AI, the industry can navigate the complexities of a changing energy landscape and ensure a sustainable and reliable energy supply for the future.
