Argentina has a dollarization problem — and it is scary

The recent trajectory towards dollarization in Argentina, highlighted by Libertarian Javier Milei’s electoral successes, might offer a glimmer of hope to some.

But there’s more to this financial maneuver than meets the eye. While countries like Ecuador have benefited from dollarization through consistent low inflation over two decades, assuming Argentina will enjoy a similar trajectory is not just optimistic – it’s dangerously naive.

Dollarization: A Double-Edged Sword

While dollarization has its appeals, especially in providing stability to countries grappling with persistent inflation, the process is not without its challenges. At the forefront is the need for a substantial amount of liquid dollars.

Argentina, for instance, would need between $20bn and $25bn in international reserves at the parallel exchange rate. But with the nation’s central bank already in the negative, this transformation would require a colossal loan.

Considering Argentina’s rocky standing in international markets – made evident by the staggering spread on its sovereign debt yields – securing such a loan will be no easy task.

Moreover, the irreversible nature of dollarization poses another significant concern. Historically, Argentina has been able to maneuver its financial landscape by adjusting its currency system, like the move post the 2001 currency board system collapse.

With dollarization, this safety net disappears, essentially locking Argentina into a financial straitjacket.

A Lesson from Neighbors and Past

El Salvador and Ecuador, both of whom adopted the dollar in the late 1990s, offer cautionary tales. These nations quickly realized that while they no longer had control over their monetary policy, they remained susceptible to external factors.

Whether it’s fluctuating oil prices, global financial swings, or the unpredictability of pandemics and wars, dollarization did little to shield them from these inevitable economic tremors.

For Argentina, the allure of dollarization might be its potential in addressing persistent issues like inflation and the nation’s chronic fiscal imbalances. The early 1990s saw Argentina implement the currency board, which at the time appeared to bring stability and promise.

However, that optimism was short-lived. The government’s fiscal irresponsibility, compounded by the global dollar strength, culminated in a series of currency crises that shattered faith in Argentina’s financial structure.

The aftermath was severe, with Argentina resorting to printing fiat money in 2001, effectively reneging on the discipline the currency board promised. By 2002, the currency board was discarded.

Ecuador, too, serves as a testament to the limitations of dollarization. Despite switching to the dollar, Ecuador saw its public spending skyrocket, even during periods of unexpected economic boons. The result? Multiple defaults on debts and a stagnant economy for the past decade.

It’s tempting to view dollarization as a magic bullet – a quick fix to the country’s deeply-rooted financial woes. However, history, both of Argentina and its Latin American neighbors, suggests otherwise. Dollarization is not a one-size-fits-all solution.

Instead of clinging to the fairy tale of instant recovery through dollarization, Argentina needs to confront the intricacies of a genuine stabilization effort head-on.

Bottomline while Argentina might be desperate to rewrite its tumultuous financial history, it must tread carefully.

Embracing dollarization without a thorough understanding of its implications might not be the new chapter Argentina hopes for, but rather a continuation of its past financial nightmares.
