Apple CEO Tim Cook Endorse AR Technology on The Metaverse

  • Tim Cook Believes that Augmented reality will overtop Metaverse in upcoming years. 
  • Tim noted programming as an important aspect and should be included in the education curriculum. 

Tim Cook, Chief Executive Officer of Apple, is currently on a tour of Europe and has visited the Ted Lasso series film set in England and the research room in Germany. Tim ended his journey in Naples(Italy), where he was awarded the honour of doctorate in innovation and International Management from the University of Naples Federico II. 

In an exclusive interview with Dutch media, Bright Tom Cook mentioned Augmented reality(AR) and underlined that AR would be the biggest technological promise for the future; with AR, virtual objects are shown over the real world. For example, via a smartphone’s camera or through smart glasses. Cook told students that we will soon look back on a life without AR as now look back on a life without a smartphone or internet access.” it won’t be that long.”          

Competitors led by Facebook parent company Meta present the Metaverse as a digital world in which people can meet with each other and have meetings. 

Cook also mentioned the basic importance of programming in daily life; he highlighted that “I see programming as the only universal language. It’s the most important language you can learn.” 

He further quoted, “Of course, your native language is more important for communication, but a programming language is a way to tap into your creativity. It puts your critical thinking skills to work, and you can use them in many aspects of your life.”    

As per his Tim beliefs, programming deserves a permanent place in the syllabus. He noted, “I think everyone should learn programming before they graduate from high school and I actually think it should be taught in elementary school.”   

In terms of challenges, Tim sees the biggest collective puzzle in the climate problem.” We all have a responsibility in that,” he added, “the world is now on an unsustainable course. We’ve all seen the effects of climate change from heat waves in Europe to tidal waves in Pakistan or the hurricane that is now sweeping over Florida.”   

Tim noted, “As a consumer you have to ask yourself what you can do,and that can be simple things such as recycling. But as a company you can probably do a lot more. For example,99% of the rare earth metals in the Apple Watch are now recycled.We are not yet at 100% and so still have work to do and there are still things in the watch that are not been recyclable,but this is all the result of research teams all of them made up of peoples who are making such a massive difference.”  

“Ultimately, we want to move to an emission-free world. Apple wants to contribute to that, for example, by using 100% renewable energy. But it is also in other things packing, for example, most products are packed in a thin layer of plastic everyone did that it was the norm. But it turned out that we used 600 tons of plastic for that. We challenged ourselves to do it differently and now don’t use it in our packaging.”     

In January, an official statement from Apple noted that the company is looking forward to the investment in Metaverse.  

When questioned on January 27, during a call regarding Apple’s opportunities inside Metaverse, Tim replied that the organization sees a lot of potential here and will make investments accordingly.

Nancy J. Allen
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