America’s economic fortitude: How does it stay so strong?

The United States of America has showcased an unwavering economic resilience that has left even the most seasoned economists scratching their heads.

Despite a relentless campaign by the Federal Reserve to elevate interest rates, America’s economy has thrived, expanding at a staggering 4.9% annualized rate in the third quarter.

This figure surpasses expectations and dismisses the gloomy forecasts that have pervaded the economic narrative since the onset of the pandemic.

Kathy Bostjancic from Nationwide has acknowledged this period as a humbling experience for economists, as their predictions have consistently fallen short of America’s economic reality.

The nation’s steadfast performance even in the face of a stringent monetary policy has raised eyebrows and questions alike, unraveling the layers of America’s economic resilience.

American Consumers’ Confidence

A critical driver of America’s robust economy has been consumer spending, which not only fueled the third quarter’s growth but also constituted more than half of the annualized increase.

America’s job market has been flourishing, instilling a sense of financial security among its citizens, which in turn, has spurred consumer spending. People have been confident in making purchases, propelled by a labor market that continues to demand workers.

Bostjancic emphasized the astounding job growth as the propeller for consumer spending. America’s citizens are feeling affluent, thanks to flourishing stock markets, soaring housing prices, and a cushion of pandemic-related savings.

However, it is crucial to note that this sense of affluence and the remaining pool of savings are predominantly concentrated among the wealthier households.

As the Federal Reserve’s past interest rate hikes start to bite, there is a consensus among economists and policymakers that this upward momentum might be losing its steam.

Anticipating a Shift in Momentum

Despite the visible signs of economic strength, there are inklings of change on the horizon. Gregory Daco from EY-Parthenon predicts that the U.S. economic engine, which performed remarkably well in the third quarter, might be nearing a sputter.

Businesses are becoming more cautious, and consumer strength seems to be showing signs of fatigue. Over $2 trillion in excess savings amassed since the pandemic has been considerably depleted, and there is a discernible shift in the economic tide.

Daco warns of the potential snowball effect if businesses grapple with higher debt servicing costs and labor utilization issues. This pressure could lead to cost-cutting measures, jeopardizing revenue targets and overall economic stability.

The latest GDP data has unveiled hints of “cost fatigue,” with non-residential fixed investment, a critical indicator of business spending, demonstrating a slight decline.

Most economists are now aligning their forecasts to a more subdued economic performance in the coming quarters. America’s GDP growth is anticipated to dwindle to 0.8% in the next quarter, marking a stark contrast to the third quarter’s robust performance.

Despite these projections, the debate on whether America will plunge into a recession remains highly contested.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and Federal Reserve Chair Jay Powell have expressed optimism, emphasizing the absence of recession indicators and the potential for a soft landing.

Daco, however, places the odds of a recession at fifty-fifty, highlighting the unpredictability of economic forecasts. America’s economic fortitude has been nothing short of remarkable, defying predictions and showcasing the nation’s inherent strength.

The consumer confidence, backed by a thriving job market, has played a pivotal role in sustaining this momentum.

However, as the aftereffects of monetary tightening start to manifest, America stands at an economic crossroads, with its resilience poised for yet another test.

The coming months will be crucial in determining whether America can maintain its economic prowess or if it will succumb to the mounting pressures, marking a new chapter in its economic saga.
