Alphabet CEO Pichai Continues to Sound Alarm About the Economy

Alphabet CEO Pichai Continues to Sound Alarm About the Economy

Alphabet  (GOOGL) , the parent company of Google, wants to avoid unpleasant surprises. 

The firm is convinced that a sharp slowdown in growth will have an impact on advertising revenues, its main source of income. 

For a few months now, the group has therefore been trying to prepare for a dark scenario as the Federal Reserve (Fed) continues to aggressively raise its rates to fight inflation at its highest in 40 years. 

For many experts, this monetary policy risks causing the so-called hard landing for the economy, in other words a recession. Alphabet executives seem to share this analysis as CEO Sundar Pichai has just warned against what he called “the toughest macroeconomic conditions” in the past 10 years.
