Aliens In Mexico? Not So Fast—Presenters Have History Of Being Debunked


Jaime Maussan—a self-proclaimed ufologist and journalist whose coverage on aliens was once debunked—presented two fossilized bodies of what he claimed were “non-human” corpses to Mexican Congress on Tuesday, claiming researchers could prove with DNA testing the bodies were not of Earth, to the fascination of social media.

Key Facts

The small mummified corpses, which had elongated heads, three fingers and bodily makeups similar to Hollywood depictions of aliens, were allegedly found in Peru in 2017 and were said by Maussan to be about 1,000 years old.

Maussan claimed the bodies were found in algae mines and that researchers at the Autonomous National University Of Mexico examined both, finding one had “eggs” inside of them.

José de Jesús Zalce Benítez, the director of the Scientific Institute for Health of the Mexican navy, presented scans of the bodies to Congress members and claimed they had retractable necks, no teeth, large brains and big eyes that were capable of “wide stereoscopic vision.”

Maussan reported on a supposed alien body found in Peru in 2015 that was later debunked as the mummified corpse of a human child.

Benítez was also a lead researcher in the presentation of the debunked body discovery, which showed six three-finger mummified bodies in a YouTube video posted in 2017 by, which has been scrutinized as a conspiracy theory hub.

Ryan Graves, a former U.S. Navy pilot who testified before Congress in Washington in July about his alleged encounters with a UFO, was also in attendance in Mexico City on Tuesday, when he said the focus of his organization, Americans for Safe Aerospace, is on “improving public education of UAP, breaking stigma and working towards better transparency and disclosure.”

Key Background

Maussan has worked as a journalist for more than 50 years. The 2017 video report he participated in, which showed alleged non-human remains later debunked as a mummified child’s corpse, was published by The website charges $99 a year for videos on paranormal and supernatural subjects, including alien abductions. The website belongs to alternative video platform Gaia Inc.—a publicly traded company with a $52 million market cap. The bodies in the video report from Gaia are much larger than those presented to Mexican Congress on Tuesday, though all the bodies share some similarities, including three-finger hands and elongated heads. In 2010, Maussan hosted his own TV show, and by 2019 was the subject of a movie titled Maussan’s UFO Files,” a one-hour documentary film that covered his pursuit of “the most controversial UFO events” in Mexican history. Maussan also has a YouTube channel, Maussan TV, with nearly 1 million subscribers.


In July, former intelligence official David Grusch and Graves testified before Congress in a hearing on UFOs. Grusch said under oath he was absolutely “certain” the federal government was in possession of unidentified aerial phenomena. The former intelligence official also claimed he interviewed individuals who investigated UAP crash sites and recovered “nonhuman biologics.”

Further Reading

1,000 year-old ‘alien corpses’ displayed in glass cases in Mexico (Sky News)

A Mexican ufologist claims to show 2 alien corpses to Congress (NPR)
