Alchemy Adds AI Enabled Tools to Ease Web3 Developments 

Artificial intelligence (AI) is expanding at such a rapid pace that from individual to institutional, it is making its impact. Companies across industries are seeking to deploy AI and leverage its cutting-edge technology for their operations. Blockchain developer firm, Alchemy, announced its latest project with the GPT-4 plugin to facilitate blockchain analysis. 

In a blog post published on Wednesday, June 16, Alchemy announced AlchemyAI. The new set of tools with the power of AI will be helping Web3 developers to enhance their pace of development, receive crucial data in less time, and to push ongoing operations, while taking advantage of the potential of artificial intelligence.

The arsenal has two products from the platform, an AI chatbot dubbed ChatWeb3 and the Alchemy ChatGPT Plugin. 

Though both the tools leverage the benefits from OpenAI’s generative AI chatbot, ChatGPT, they fill in the gap of its shortcomings. These tools focus on providing the developer smoother and frictionless ways to develop their Web3 projects. 

Alchemy Tools Leveraging AI Chatbot ChatGPT

Alchemy’s AI chatbot tool, ChatWeb3, is trained over thousands of Web3 resources. It provides assistance to developers by providing the “specific and relevant answers” to the queries of developers during the development of their projects. 

In the general form of ChatGPT, it lacks in some manners when it comes to providing the answers to common issues related to code, ramping up the speed of code writing, and even fails sometimes to provide the contexts of concepts. Despite being a powerful language model, ChatGPT has inherent issues like lack of “domain-specific knowledge.”

ChatWeb3 goes beyond the capabilities of ChatGPT and facilitates the crucial Web3 related knowledge insights, providing accurate answers to the quotes. The development process becomes easier and faster for developers with the workflow getting sped up and eliminating the barriers. 

Another AI tool in the suite is an Alchemy ChatGPT Plugin. It primarily helps developers, as well as non-developers, to get their hands-on over the real-time information about blockchain technology via Alchemy API endpoints. 

The plugin ensures to fill in the knowledge gap of ChatGPT since it has knowledge cutoff—no information of the instance after September 2021. Alchemy’s plugin fills the gap and provides the latest information around Web3 development. Ethereum, Arbitrum, Optimism, and Polygon-like blockchain networks facilitate the inter-chain information sources for the tool. 

AI is becoming a go to solution for companies looking for scalability and efficiency in their operations. Earlier, the crypto risk management company, Elliptic reported to deploy ChatGPT in its systems to watch over crypto market activities. The firm noted the chatbot would be working along with its “off-chain intelligence and research” accumulation. 

The research firms’ researchers and investigators were said to be able to synthesize and organize the information and intelligence via the help of AI chatbot. Following the deployment, the operations with the information will be more accurate and at a larger scale. 

Nancy J. Allen
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