Alabama Approves New House Map With Only 1 Majority-Black District After Supreme Court Asked For 2


The Republican-controlled legislature in Alabama passed a new congressional map Friday that included one majority-Black district, but didn’t add a second—despite the U.S. Supreme Court ordered the state to draw two districts with majority-Black populations or “something quite close”—upsetting Democrats and setting the new map up for legal challenges.

Key Facts

Lawmakers passed a map that keeps one district as having a Black majority—but decreases the Black representation in the district from 56% to 51%—and increases, but does not give majority to, the Black voting age population in another district from 30% to 40%.

The Senate approved the map in a 24-6 vote and the House later approved it in a 75-28 vote; the legislation will now go to the desk of Republican Gov. Kay Ivey, who will likely sign it, though it must also receive approval from a court.

A three-judge district court tentatively scheduled an August 14 hearing to consider challenges to the map.

Republican state Sen. Steve Livingston, who sponsored the map, said the intent behind it was for the district with 40% Black voters to be the second “opportunity” district, according to

Democratic lawmakers, however, pushed back on the plan, as Democratic Rep. Rodger Smitherman, who was on the committee that drew the map, said Republicans didn’t include Democrats in the process of creating the map despite there being the desire to, according to the Alabama Reflector.

Democratic Rep. Chris England tweeted he was “convinced that passing a non-compliant map was the plan all along,” adding Alabama could have “saved time and money” by letting the court draw it, which will happen if this map isn’t approved.

Key Background

In June, the Supreme Court issued a 5-4 decision that affirmed a lower court’s ruling blocking a map that was approved in 2020 because it violated the Voting Rights Act, weakening the voting power of Black Alabamians. The court ordered lawmakers to create a new map with two majority-Black districts, or “something quite close,” increasing the odds that the state could add a second Democratic member to its congressional delegation given that Black Alabamians overwhelmingly vote Democratic. The map proposed in 2020 remained in place for 2022 despite the legal challenges due to a court-ordered pause on the blocking of the map to ensure one was in place for that election. That map, however, put almost one-third of Black people in Alabama into one district, according to the New York Times, spreading the rest of the Black population across the six other districts, all of which elected a white Republican representative. Alabama lawmakers convened a special session on Monday—with a deadline of Friday—to draw a new map.

Chief Critic

The plaintiffs in the case that went to the Supreme Court said they would fight the proposed map if it were enacted. In a statement Friday released through the NAACP’s Legal Defense Fund, the plaintiffs said the map continues to violate the 1965 Voting Rights Act and they are dealing with lawmakers who “continue to ignore constituents’ pleas to ensure the map is fair and instead remain determined to rob Black voters of the representation we deserve.”

Crucial Quote

“Let’s be clear: The Alabama Legislature believes it is above the law,” wrote the plaintiffs in their statement. “…We will not rest until the State of Alabama complies with the Voting Rights Act and enacts a map with two districts where Black voters have a real opportunity to elect their candidates of choice and the Legislature fulfills its duty to obey the law.”

Further Reading

MORE FROM FORBESAlabama GOP Passes New Congressional Map With Just 1 Black-Majority District, Not 2-Despite Supreme Court RulingalLawmakers pass congressional map; Democrats say it defies courtReutersAlabama lawmakers clash over Black voters as redistricting deadline loomsAP NewsAlabama GOP proposals for second Black district are unlikely to win court approval, experts warn
