AI Regulation Trends: FTC’s Focus on Preventing Deceptive Practices

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been experiencing remarkable growth recently, with businesses embracing its potential to revolutionize various sectors. Amid this technological surge, governmental regulatory bodies, including the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), are closely monitoring developments in the AI landscape. This article explores prominent regulatory trends, specifically shedding light on the FTC’s efforts to combat deceptive practices within the AI industry.

FTC’s mandate under section 5

The FTC, entrusted with safeguarding consumers’ interests and fostering fair competition, wields significant authority as defined by Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act. This authority empowers the FTC to proscribe “unfair or deceptive acts or practices in or affecting commerce.” While AI continues to evolve rapidly, the FTC’s regulatory role remains unwavering.

Deceptive business practices, false assertions concerning AI

A key area of concern for the FTC is deceptive business practices associated with AI. Companies that make false or misleading claims regarding AI products and services are under the regulatory microscope. Notably, the recent Automators AI case is a stark reminder of the FTC’s commitment to addressing such deceptive practices.

In the Automators AI case, the company faced allegations of inflicting “over $22 million in harm” upon individuals through false and misleading claims, particularly in relation to the effectiveness of its AI tools. The FTC’s investigation revealed that Automators AI had promised customers the ability to substantially enhance their Amazon stores, but most customers failed to achieve the results advertised. These “false, misleading, or unsubstantiated” claims violated Section 5(a) of the FTC Act.

FTC’s guidance for businesses

To avoid encountering regulatory challenges akin to those faced by Automators AI, businesses offering AI-related products and services should take heed of the FTC’s guidance. Michael Atleson of the FTC Division of Advertising Practices has emphasized the importance of truthfulness and transparency in marketing AI products. His recommendations encompass:

Avoiding Exaggeration: Firms should refrain from overstating the capabilities of their AI products.

Avoiding Baseless Assertions: Factual evidence should support claims that an AI product outperforms a non-AI counterpart.

Risk Assessment: Before launching, businesses should evaluate and address foreseeable risks and impacts of their AI products.

Truth in Advertising: Products labeled as AI must genuinely incorporate AI technology.

Deception via AI is an escalating concern

The FTC also closely monitors the use of generative AI tools designed to deceive, defraud, or mislead consumers. The proliferation of AI-driven chatbots, deepfakes, and voice clones has raised alarm bells. Even if the primary intent of these tools is not deception, their effectiveness in misleading consumers can lead to regulatory action.

The FTC’s stance is unequivocal: any AI tool effectively designed to deceive, regardless of its primary function, may be categorized as a deceptive act or practice under Section 5. To avoid attracting regulatory scrutiny, businesses offering generative AI products and services should:

Assessing Risks: Contemplate whether the risks associated with their AI product or service justify its market release.

Risk Mitigation: Commit to effectively mitigating foreseeable risks before launching the product.

Prevention Over Detection: Businesses should refrain from excessively relying on mechanisms for post-release detection.

Clarity is Key: AI products or services mustn’t mislead consumers.

Unfair business practices in the era of AI

In addition to deceptive practices, the FTC also regulates unfair business practices related to AI. An unfair practice inflicts substantial harm upon consumers, is not easily avoidable, and is not offset by consumer benefits or competition advantages. The FTC has a history of addressing unfair design choices across various industries, and AI is no exception.

The FTC focuses on design elements that coerce individuals into making harmful decisions concerning generative AI. To evade FTC scrutiny, businesses should:

Clarity in Content: Businesses must provide users with clear information regarding whether generative AI content is genuine or paid.

Risk Anticipation: Foreseeing and addressing foreseeable risks stemming from AI products and services is crucial.

Navigating the regulatory terrain

The Automators case demonstrates that the FTC is committed to utilizing its Section 5 authority to regulate AI providers. Businesses must acknowledge the regulatory environment surrounding AI, which may continue to evolve even without explicit instructions from Congress.

To effectively navigate this regulatory terrain, businesses should:

Risk Evaluation: Prior to launching, businesses should thoroughly assess and address the risks associated with their AI products and services.

Transparency and Integrity: Promoting transparency, honesty, and fairness in all AI-related practices is imperative.

In the swiftly evolving realm of AI, the FTC’s determination to combat deceptive and unfair practices underscores the significance of ethical and responsible AI development. Complying with FTC guidelines shields businesses from regulatory scrutiny and cultivates trust and credibility within the AI sector.
