AI in Media: Define or Be Defined

The media industry stands at a pivotal crossroads, where adopting Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer a choice but a necessity for survival. However, the path towards integrating AI into media operations is fraught with challenges and risks that demand careful consideration. This article delves into the intricate landscape of AI adoption in media, exploring the hurdles, opportunities, and the urgent need for customization.

The reluctance and justification

Broadcasters have embraced AI cautiously, and their reluctance is not unfounded. The road ahead is a complex labyrinth of risks, including potential legal entanglements, concerns about product quality, and the ever-present threat to brand reputation. The resource challenges are equally formidable, adding another layer of complexity. Furthermore, a skeptical consumer base, already wary of news organizations, views AI’s role in the newsroom with suspicion. As a result, many in the industry have taken tentative steps into the AI arena, while some have opted to sidestep the revolution entirely.

This conservative approach is understandable, but it cannot persist indefinitely. If local media organizations do not move swiftly to define how AI can optimize their human resources, they risk AI dictating the terms of optimization.

Keeping ahead of the curve Is vital

As predicted by numerous studies, AI’s impact on businesses is poised to be monumental, leading to widespread economic disruption and job displacement across various industries. Broadcasters may be tempted to dismiss these projections, but a closer look at the industry’s current landscape tells a different story. Stations are shrinking, and without significant innovation, industry dynamics will continue to exert pressure on costs and resources, whether AI becomes part of the operating model or not.

Given these realities, why not invest in defining and implementing tailored, customized AI solutions that can significantly boost efficiency and product quality? While the customization process may be time-consuming and labor-intensive, broadcasters must recognize the urgency of adopting AI in strategic ways.

Beyond the hype

It’s essential to note that the goal here is not a race to see who can deploy AI solutions like ChatGPT or Bard the fastest in their newsrooms. Despite the hype surrounding Large Language Models (LLMs), they are not inherently intelligent. They lack sentience and the ability to think. Instead, they excel at filling in the gaps, albeit in a far more sophisticated manner than traditional text completion tools.

The public has also discerned the limitations of AI, as evidenced by the initial excitement followed by a decline in the usage of technologies like OpenAI’s ChatGPT. Users began to wonder, “What do I do with this?”

The answer to that question cannot come from AI itself. Humans must provide the answer and meticulously oversee how their AI tools are trained, the data and inputs that inform desired outputs, and the interactions required to achieve efficiency and quality. As the saying goes, “garbage in, garbage out,” which is particularly true with AI. Broadcasters must approach customized AI tools with intentionality and discipline, or the effort may lead to nothing more than headaches.

The Promise of AI

However, amidst the customization challenges lies enormous potential. AI can empower journalists, salespeople, leaders, and others to enhance their businesses significantly, without succumbing to a sea of sameness or exposing themselves to legal liabilities. It’s a pathway to elevate brands rather than diminish them.

Wordsmiths hold an advantage

Surprisingly, the need to harness AI in refined ways may give broadcasters a distinct advantage, especially those skilled in communication. While directing technology was once the exclusive domain of programmers, AI’s natural language foundation provides an edge to individuals, such as journalists, who excel in the art of words.

Research from Magid suggests that increasing AI literacy among consumers leads to greater acceptance and enthusiasm toward AI utilization in journalism. Broadcasters stand to gain significantly from embracing this sentiment.

Embracing change for a brighter future

Implementing sweeping changes within local stations to integrate AI will undoubtedly be a formidable task, necessitating a redefinition of skill sets, resources, and tools. However, with proactive planning and unwavering determination, broadcasters can usher in a new era of relevance and prosperity through AI integration.

The choice is clear for media organizations: define how AI enhances human capabilities or risk being defined by AI. The challenges are real, but so are the opportunities. The future of media lies at the intersection of human ingenuity and artificial intelligence, and those who navigate this terrain with foresight and adaptability are poised for success in an evolving industry.
