A Years-Old Video Of The Pope With Circus Performers Is Going Viral—And Garnering Criticism—But It’s A Church Tradition


Right-wing social media users and conservative Catholics are spreading a video of circus performers dancing for Pope Francis, using it as ammunition to criticize what they feel are deteriorating church values under his leadership, but the video is three years old and circus performers at church events is a tradition that dates back decades.

Key Facts

A video of Pope Francis enjoying a performance by colorful, flamboyantly dressed circus performers is being widely shared, and condemned, by conservative Catholics and right-wing social media accounts this week.

Right-wing X account End Wokeness, which has 1.7 million followers, shared the video Wednesday with the caption, “The Vatican has fallen,” garnering more than 13,000 reposts, 45,000 likes and 7,000 replies, many from angered critics.

Though the video is just now resurfacing on social media, the video is actually from a papal audience — events which are held weekly on Wednesdays at the Vatican —that took place in 2020 featuring a performance by the Aqua Circus troupe, according to Rome Reports.

Popes began regularly inviting circus performers to Wednesday papal audiences with John Paul II in the 1980s, according to Catholic news outlet The Pillar, and several popes before that—including Pope John XXIII in 1959 and Pope Pius XII in 1954—also invited circus troupes to the Vatican on certain occasions.

Francis has invited a circus troupe to the Vatican during nearly every Advent or Christmas of his papacy, The Pillar reported.

Some of the fiercest critics of the circus video on social media are conservative Catholics who have long opposed Francis’s papacy because of his stances on social issues, which have been perceived as more liberal than his predecessors and have led some conservatives to decry him as a heretic.

Chief Critics

The Lepanto Institute, a conservative Catholic organization that vocally opposes Francis and his softer tone on social issues, like including the LGBTQ community in the church, criticized the circus performance in an X post: “Is it the intention of those at the top to make it impossible to take the Vatican seriously?” Carmine Sabia, a conservative Christian pundit with nearly 100,000 X followers, posted the video and called Francis “evil” and stated “the Vatican has fallen.” Dilly Hussain, a deputy editor for Muslim news website 5Pillars, said “Christianity in the West is nosediving” and called the performers “half naked dancers with faces like demons.”


Some on social media mocked the controversy and pointed out the circus performances are a church tradition—and the idea of leaders watching elaborately dressed performers, like court jesters, dates back centuries. “I cannot imagine anything more traditional than the foreign-born monarch of an Italian city-state passively enjoying the performance of jesters from his throne,” one user posted.

Surprising Fact

Pope St. Paul VI established the Pontifical Commission on the Spiritual Care of Migrants and Itinerants in 1970, a Vatican office to support refugees, migrants, exiles—and traveling circus performers. The office was reestablished by John Paul II in 1988 as the Pontifical Council Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People, once again to support circus performers, among others. The council held conferences for priests and religious people who traveled with circus families, The Pillar reported.

Crucial Quote

“Your profession…can be a privileged opportunity to proclaim authentic human values in the world’s squares. In an age in which nothing seems to count but the frenzy of production and the accumulation of wealth, the gifts of joy and festivity are a real witness to those non-material values essential to a life of brotherhood and gratuitousness,” Pope John Paul II reportedly told circus performers in 2004.


Francis also came under fire, once again, by conservative Catholics this week for comments on the possibility of the Church blessing same-sex unions. In a letter penned by Francis released Monday, the pope suggested priests may evaluate same-sex unions on a case-by-case basis and determine whether a blessing may be given, though he maintained these “situations” may not be “morally acceptable” and should be kept separate from the sacrament of marriage. “We cannot be judges who only deny, push back and exclude,” Francis wrote. As Francis gathered church leaders this week for a major meeting, the Synod on Synodality, some conservative critics held their own meeting in opposition, led by Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke, who accused Francis of having the “harmful goal” of reshaping church teachings. “It’s unfortunately very clear that the invocation of the Holy Spirit on the part of some has as its aim to push forward an agenda that is more political and human than ecclesiastical and divine,” Burke said. Burke had previously written letters to Francis demanding he denounce the blessing of same-sex unions.

Further Reading

The pope and the circus (The Pillar)

Amid liberal revolt, pope signals openness to blessings for gay couples (The Washington Post)

Conservative Catholics, Relegated to Sidelines, Denounce Papal Gathering (New York Times)

Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/conormurray/2023/10/05/a-years-old-video-of-the-pope-with-circus-performers-is-going-viral-and-garnering-criticism-but-its-a-church-tradition/