A Wild Ride Through The Halls Of Power In Washington

Journalist Ellen Hume has written a compelling memoir, in Lost and Found: Coming of Age in the Washington Press Corps, about her worldwide reporting adventures at the top of American journalism during the heyday years of the 1980s. She keeps readers on the edge of their seats with detailed stories exposing Washington’s political underbelly, spiced with the struggles in her own romantic life.

I knew and worked alongside Ellen when I was a Washington correspondent for another newspaper and saw her as a reporter’s reporter and a first-rate writer. Using the same journalistic objectivity in telling her own amazing story that she used as a reporter, Hume captures in jaw-dropping detail many of the major events of that era. And in the process, she shows journalists of today and hopefully journalism students for tomorrow the model of a shoe-leather journalist, often still at her desk at midnight, determined to get the story.

In her tell-all memoir, Hume takes readers on a wild ride through the halls of power in Washington and to the major events she covered during the golden age of American journalism.

She captures with rich detail behind-the-scenes accounts of her adventures as Washington correspondent for the Los Angeles Times and The Wall Street Journal and, in the process, exposes the sometimes-painful inner struggles and vulnerabilities of those who rise to the top of their professions.

To say Hume had an adventurous life is a colossal understatement. She tells her head-spinning story—from her days at Radcliffe, to numerous journalism gigs in southern California, and then as a Washington correspondent and White House reporter who also was a familiar face on PBS
Washington Week in Review and other political talk shows.

One of her most harrowing assignments was covering a mercy mission in 1979 to deliver medical supplies and food to 1.2 million starving Cambodians who had survived Pol Pot’s Killing Fields holocaust. After a harrowing flight in the cargo hold with 800,000 pounds of supplies, Hume and another reporter walked through the deserted streets of Phnom Penh, seeing “piles of rubble that reached several stories high…Houses that were gutted and defiled” and every main building “bombed, looted, and burned.”

But it was much worse the next day when the custodial North Vietnamese-Cambodian government handlers took the reporters to see the horrific torture chambers where thousands had been killed during the Khmer Rouge’s four-year cultural revolution. “I was shocked to the point of retching,” she says, before heading to Hong Kong to write her page-one series for the LA Times.

Earlier that year, she covered the Three Mile Island (TMI) nuclear accident in Pennsylvania that traumatized the surrounding population and commanded attention around the planet.

Typical of her shoe-leather reporting, she hung out at the Railroad House bar where the nuclear plant workers went to unwind after their shifts “to find the guys who had been actually operating the plant the night of the accident.” It paid off as she eventually cultivated sources who revealed safety abuses of the plant that was melting down and document falsifications involving an even bigger threat at a second plant at TMI—stories that were front page news around the world.

She covered the shocking murder of Beatle legend John Lennon and the assassination attempt on President Gerald Ford, wrote about conspiracy theorist Lyndon LaRouche, about water rights battles with Big Agriculture that were destroying small farms across the American West, and she spent long, demanding days covering presidential and vice-presidential campaigns, the Reagan White House, and so much more.

There was glamour too, including “breakfast interviews with Supreme Court justices and congressmen, cocktails with prospective book agents, more TV appearance and tryouts, business trips to the legendary Mark Hopkins and Chateau Marmont hotels in California and the Algonquin in New York…dinner dates with the executive director of the Los Angeles Philharmonic, a piano player from L’Etoile, and the number two doctor at the UCLA Medical Center,” with weekends and elegant house parties in the Hamptons.

She writes about the difficulties of covering news as a woman in a profession dominated by men, and, while she openly acknowledges her personal political views—“idealistic, Sixties values”—she reports on the great pains she took to provide objectivity and balance in her reporting.

After journalism, Ellen headed back to Harvard and then to Northwestern
University to further her life-long crusade to inspire more effective citizen engagement with journalism and politics. And, in a real head-snapper, she became a diplomatic wife serving in Prague with her husband, Czech Republic Ambassador John Shattuck. Then finally, and happily, back to Boston with her husband where she attends to the children and grandchildren she so longed for during her demanding reporter years.

Hume explains toward the end of the book: “I established myself in the crucible of the Washington press corps, in the greatest period of American journalism. I tangled with famous people, good and bad, and discovered happiness, love, and my own unexpected power…Our responsibility—and salvation—is to make the most of our one wild and precious life.”

Hume gives a unique, first-person account of events during the apex of the journalism profession before it was dumbed down by cable news. It’s a page-turner that will leave readers smarter about the events of the past that shape our politics and world today.

Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/gracemarieturner/2023/12/01/a-wild-ride-through-the-halls-of-power-in-washington/